SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

“I CC VT!”
“No I CC VT!”
“bUt WhAt ArE yOuR aBiLiTiEs”

Real, we’d just get 0 players inning there.

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Marcus tried hosting one. The last one that ran was the one that Ashe ran that I won due to the fact that I hard-bussed both my mates and during LyLo I managed to frame Insanity as a slank-wolf for not bothering to play the game while I had both Wazza’s and Luxy’s pelts.

I’d like to play a 15p Marson here, though. It’d resolve the SPK n1 me bull, tbh.

Also, why the hell do people insist on using mechanics to solve closed setups here?

It was a disaster in LotR and it’s been a disaster here so far.


if only they’d picked Mount Doom like I told them to

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I been enjoying more vanilla setups recently. If you host one I’d join


In DRFM people won’t learn their lesson here and will locktown at least one wolf, if not more, over spurious mechanical reasons and this will cause them to lose hard.


Let’s see… remember Liar? People get really dragged into mechanically solving closed setups so much that they lose a good and healthy attitudes to reads.

@Alice I’ll counteract this by wolfreading lock villagers

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Fortunately, I’m always dead by D3, so whatever happens beyond that point is none of my concern.

People spent the entire game playing with the mechanics that nobody bothered to read.

Still, how the SC and the multiple lynch system works will hopefully mean that people will try to read in DRFM for once.

Then again I expect a shit-ton of people spamming the thread asking to be voted into the Student Council just by claims alone d1, and then to promptly get claim-vig’d.

I thought they had to claim abilities to die. If people are claiming abilities to get on SC. I will not vote them out of spite

Still buzzing from that time I landed a 1% ITA hero shot on a greenpeeked wolf lol

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As I posted on the thread, while the claim vig is alive the wolves only need villas to claim one of their actions/passives out of four for the vig to work. If the claim-vig dies then pretty much a full-claim is needed.

It’s a method that I made to prevent the anti-claim from being overbearing while at the same time preventing people from trying to solve the game with mechanics alone.

And tbh, there’s no need for you to claim d1 unless you’re under heavy suspicion and you can self-resolve yourself.

Anybody can be Self-Resolving™ if they get enough wolf pelts in a villagery enough way through reads alone.

Or claim N2 Desperado.

Then N3 desperado when u decide not to desperado

> Be Icibalus
> Try to host Mountainous 15
> It doesn’t fill


this really says a lot about society