SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Again, Prince has immunity against bypassing. But yeah.

I donā€™t actually include that much lying to wolves in closed setups because itā€™s a lot harder than lying to town
I mean traps

i also have the opinion that if your level of immunity has gotten to ā€œimmune to abilities that bypass immunitiesā€ then your setup is already not very good by the way

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You hate prince anyways. That doesnā€™t count :stuck_out_tongue:

I, too, hate prince

Nope. As I said several times before deflecting jails is possible. This also happened in SFoL39 where Sketch accidentally jailed himself.

It besmirches the dignitary nature of the jailkeeper

Guilty as charged, I have a bone to pick with the most disgustingly overpowered role thatā€™s somehow still usede for some reason.

Well, we are all free to have our opinions. But rules are rules.

I got a tk redirected to me as king

Would you rather play a setup with a perfect macho cop that kills scum it targets
Or Prince

the only good part about Prince is that time Frostwolf pretended to be his partner in a hydra game, god bless him, and because heā€™s not a native english-speaker it came out as hillarious

@Geyde you just listed the same role twice I canā€™t make a decision :^)

:heart: I wasnā€™t responsible for the stupid fol rules which enabled this

No they dont

The rules state otherwise and u knew that

Absolute GOAT

theyā€™re not really stupid
weā€™re just processing redirection as something that can deflect substantial abilities, surprisingly.

One of my hosts was BANNED from the only source to find that information. I cannot count that.

Who? And Why?

I mean, we added the king targeting effects to every class card as necessary
I think we did a pretty good job