SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

We use some mafia rules, because we’re adapting a video game into a forum game
FM had a good structure to work off of

Because Mafia is the basis for ToL, which is the basis for FoL.

See how action resolutions are handled.

Yeah, it’s kinda stupid. Because that’s so many stealth changes to ToL. And NOONE knows them.

Such as
What are these stealth changes

If you write down all your stealth changes, then sure, go ahead. But I told you this already months ago. I wrote down how the rules work for ToL, and asked how they work in FoL.

ToL literally doesn’t have a standard to work off of in regards to ‘what is protective and what is not’
You could make a convincing argument either way and technically not be wrong

Now Magnus just GT’d SDA.

I get that I made the wolves a tad strong, but both the dayplay and the nightplay of BD this game has been… not exactly the best.

Did Magnus really just gt. Towns screwed even more

Protective = protects you from attacks.
This is at least how it is in ToL.

I don’t know what these ‘stealth changes’ are if they aren’t known

Jail protects from conversion as well



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Jail blocks you from everything.
And Prince is not a protective class. It exists to kill and stop his targets.

The Prince is a neighbourizing, roleblocking, protective, 3-shot vig.

Killing’s just one of the things they do.

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Why does it prevent visits then
If that was the case, then there’d be no point

It’s a commuterizer, one of the most powerful protective roles in existance

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I’m assuming the intention is to make abilities less easy for BD, so they have to coordinate more. Aka, if I think a player will be jailed, I will not try to investigate him.

Vulgard’s reaction to this shitshow is priceless.

You are assuming that preventing anything from happening to a player is a downside
The only good things it stops are heals and investigative abilities

Okay yeah I healed tele they still died to bleed

Is this true?