SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

No thanks, what is the point of mechanics, if they are hidden?

ā€¦so people would solve be reads instead of them, lol?

Like in this game? :wink:

mfw people try to solve RRM mechanically

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Alsoā€¦ can someone explain to me what the point of an anti-claim mechanic is? It only makes people claiming regardless.

trying to make people not claim

I was Drunk btw. I claimed Butler because thatā€™s the nearest class in the mechanics, without claiming my real class.

People shouldnt claim thatā€™s the point, especially in open setups like FOL. It gives scum to much power, cause theh know exactly how to play around them. So if u discourage it, with death, the hope is less people do it

Which makes people even more doing it. Because they realizeā€¦ if itā€™s discouraged through mechanicsā€¦ ITS REALLY STRONG AND YOU SHOULD DO IT.

Its actually really weak

Well, if people would know how to do it, it would be strong. But people donā€™t know, because they have no experience how to use their mechanics right.

it is tol forums

So we discourage the bad way of doing it with a claimvig and it should teach them the right way to do it, similar to ur butler fps

Huh? No, Iā€™d have fake claimed either way, with or without claimvig.
Iā€™m not recommending my plays. They function, they are good, but they are risky.

Fake claiming is a good strat if done right and it screws with scum so net positive. It can be done wrong like when you claim prince and get jail exed. Thatā€™s the kind of play claim vig is trying to teach while showing a direct punishment for normal claiming since normal claiming especially TKs normal claiming is heavily counterable

Why are Knights and Archers heavily counterable?

Redirects ten char

Thatā€™s why TKs shouldnā€™t attack if redirected ^^

this is exactly why TKs should attack if redirected

literally no one told you to openclaim