SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

No, I just told him that the Prince can’t choose to jail themselves.

Wazza why you not listen.

Kyo claiming justicar. He just loves to out as the pr when hes not

He’s the Priest. His tendency to FPS really should be toned down.

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Kyo didnt read role list part b

What makes it worse is that Arete claiming Justiciar may be he only way out of him being ML’d. Kyo may end up getting the actual Justiciar mislynched with his FPS.

That’s why claiming prince or prs when ur not is a terrible play. Like he got prince exed last game for the same dumb play and almost got me killed for it when I was BD cause I said it was bs that hes prince

If you claim without the real PR or you being pressured then it’s not bad play as it attracts night kills. Fakeclaiming when you’re pressured will just make people think you’re scum who’s trying to fakeclaim as a last resort not to get lynched.

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…why are people speculating Luxy wasn’t the real Prince? I explicitly stated that there are no flip tampering actions here.

Something I noticed is that being annoyed at mechs-talk is Vulgard’s town tell.

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What’s Wazza doing… why is everyone claiming justicar

Kyo: arete is the lynch as I’m justicar.
Arete: am I a joke to you

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Tbh, Italy and Frost have been spamming the thread with mech-talk and Kyo’s FPS is making it several times worst. They never lynch a wolf in this gamestate.

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Wazza’s basically killing the village morale with his rants.

“Yeah but I don’t find Kyo the kind of person who would fake Justicar”



State of the game:

  • Prince is dead and he died n1.

  • Justiciar is the lead lynch and there are several people fakeclaiming the role.

  • People keep talking nonstop about mechanics.

Yeah, I give it a 90% chance of a wolf victory here.

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Oh no Maxwell

TL:DR so far.
Is there conversion in this game?

Why is no one push Soul this is legitimately their scum meta. Luigis and CoC is the same way

Nope. The game has 5 members of the main scum faction and a sixth one that’s alone and who acts more like a chaotic neutral who needs to see BD to lose for them to win.