SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Uh no, I have to break the rules on purpose. Yo, sure.

it was literally a joke
why are you getting so worked up about somebody posting innapropriately literally just to do a funny meme in a way that dosenā€™t even disrupt the thread?

Well, for the future you know, that Alice doesnā€™t like it when people are disrupting her game. So donā€™t do it again.

I appreciate the patronising tone, I really do.

If you think ā€œdonā€™t break the rulesā€ is patronising, then so be it.

I am aware that breaking the rules is bad, which is why I donā€™t spam shitty memes into other peopleā€™s gamethreads and just occasionally make cameo appearances when I think theyā€™re going to be funny. Again, I did not expect people to think it was real.

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19 now
18 Lynch town D3
16 (factional + teamcide) N3

how big is the scum faction? like 7

They have 6

D4 they can blow up 3 players with an arsonist shot
That reduces it to 13
Marshal can suicide bomb king leading to a 5v6 scenario
Ozz claimvig shoots a player

Scum now have parity with town and cannot lose

Uh, clean D4 autoresolve then probably

Yeah basically
I kinda want to see it happen in action though tbh

Clean wins are too boring to even watch them, in my eyes

I agree for the most part
But there is a chance they fuck it up since Vul + Pkr still needs to kill Italy in order for them to win

Theoretically a healer could heal Italy or they noaction

Will the survival of a single player really change anything

Technically yes
If Syndicate starts a comedy of errors

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Unlikely but generally it has to be played for

I really enjoy this one:


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Wait WTF
Why did Wazza flip as Chrono
I thought there are no flip tampering abilitiesā€¦
@Geyde :eyes: