SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

was my read on you not spicy enough

Anyways Hja is obvtown due to meta

Simon is probably town

Derps is probably town

Blue is probably scum

Your slot is probably scum

you say that like im disagreeing with you.

Poisoned, can you confirm or deny the other King’s alignment?

Hja kind of has a proven history of not being able to fake her meta

also because of that im never going to put hja on hard town for self meta

it sounded like you did

No, I can’t

Nah ur read was fine, but from my thread state is boring. Like realistically if i didnt replace Blizer and know what he did I would be like yeah Blizer 100% shot Kyo. But even then is shooting kyo scum motivated to you?

God I disagree with all of these other than Derps

/vote Arete

And disagreeing with someone = scum when?

this is a rule of thumb. i wrote it in response to you but it is not necessarily targeted at you.

this is me saying its fine if you disagree, and implying that im not targeting you.

me saying that what i was talking about does not regard your particular case

i dont particularly care. its a matter of principle honestly

Uh his conclusions feel off to me is that so wrong to sr for

Can we please execute Blizer’s slot?

@PoisonedSquid please answer
specifically, please you answer

Why? What makes me scummy? Not liking Aretes posts or his conclusions. I get it he had a spat with you, but like am I evil for giving my opinions

Actually, I know what could solve his slot.

Discuss whether or not all actions being strongmanned + dead being able to talk is a scum ability.

also Im a idiot I do agree on the Hja one


It prob is

You are evil for immediately voting someone with a disagreement.
I actually believe Arete.
If Arete was scum, they’d be self conscious and remove all of the

i personally think it wasnt an activated ability last night.

also, dead talking is a full effect, but only actions in the alternate universe were strongmanned

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