SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

I was OK and killed Boss N1. That’s all I’ve done this game thus far. A bit sad this game was canned, was really excited to try NK in a FM game for the first time, and the fact that I also started as a king gave me a good edge over a normal NK.

OP Hammer

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Sigurd :crown: :fire:

Obama Killer
Baldr’s Descendent (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. If you and the other king die, a vote will be held to decide the next king. If you hammer anyone, your kill will be guaranteed to succeed.
Tyrfing (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Every day, you may choose to create an imperial chat and add up to three players of your choice to it (temporary night chat). Every night, you may choose to target a player for death. They will die under normal circumstances.

Challenge (Day) - Grand trial a player. - 1 Use

Dungeons (Night) - Occupy a player, alongside protecting them from attacks or conversion. Cannot target the same player twice in a row. – 3 Uses
Pursuit (Night) - Isolate a player, preventing good players from visiting them. – 1 Use

Defeat both main factions ([uninformed maj] They targeted gamers [informed min] Kai_5).


Chupa Meu Pau, seu Filho da Puta

Obama Special
Geyde’s Ire (Passive) - At the start of the game, you are informed of every player’s class type (excluding the king). If you target (with abilities, not passive based-effects) the Neutral Killer or vice versa, you will create a chat with them.
Biased Host (Passive) - All host-based effects will not resolve in your favor. If you are the hammerer of a bad, then all positive effects tonight will be reversed and vice versa. All of your abilities can target anyone.

Hand of God (Day) - Name a tarot and a player. A corresponding effect will occur. – 3 Uses

Dark Ritual (Night) - Mark two players. You will gain benefits if they die tonight. – Infinite Uses
Glare…MENACINGLY (Night) - Occupy all players targeting you tonight. – 2 Uses

Your objective is to ensure that the Neutral Killer is victorious, or if the Neutral Killer is dead, ensure that at least 3 They targeted gamers are lynched.



Did I do an okay job while the game was a thing?

Suck my dick you motherfucker

That’s a direct translation

You were completely null, so no lul

sfw forum




Kai_5 Special

THE LAW (Passive) - Immune to death at night once. Your authority is boundless.
Shifting Power (Passive) - You have three modes (investigation, trial, turnabout). After filling the prerequisites, you will transition to the next one.
Investigation Mode (Passive) - No special effects. To move to trial mode, you must accurately determine the ‘idea’ of three different non-Kai_5 classes that are alive. If you hammer a good, you can target two players and learn their classes.

Objection (Day) - Disable target black magic fuckery with facts and logic insofar that they have cardiac arrest but don’t die – Infinite Uses

Press (Night) - Learn who the target visits and their alignment. – Infinite Uses
Hold it (Night) - Learn what happened to the target during the night. – Infinite Uses

Defeat They targeted gamers and any harmful Obama.


One Ghosty Boi

Kai_5 Social
Dead Men Walking (Passive) - You can talk to the dead during the night. Cleaned players do not appear in dead chat. If you hammer a good, you may perform 3 night actions tonight.
Echoes (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill or factional convert, your visits will not be shown nor will it be detectable by investigative abilities. You are immune to occupation and redirection.

Haunt (Day) - Redirect a player to another tonight – 2 Uses

Freak (Night) - Strongman the factional kill tonight. – 2 Uses
Possess (Night) - Mimic any basic ability of your choice. – Infinite Uses

Defeat They targeted gamers and any harmful Obama.

Fair lol
you did say i was slight town
but yeah this was the busiest weekend of the semester for marching band

When did I say that I have no recollection of that at all

That’s a rip

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Scum had an unassigned factional kill and a 1-shot assigned factional convert that gained an additional shot if scum’s members ever reached 1

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Kai_5 Special

THE LAW (Passive) - Immune to death at night once. Your authority is boundless.
Shifting Power (Passive) - You have three modes (investigation, trial, turnabout). After filling the prerequisites, you will transition to the next one.
Investigation Mode (Passive) - No special effects. To move to trial mode, you must accurately determine the ‘idea’ of three different non-Kai_5 classes that are alive. If you hammer a good, you can target two players and learn their classes.

Objection (Day) - Disable target black magic fuckery with facts and logic insofar that they have cardiac arrest but don’t die – Infinite Uses

Press (Night) - Learn who the target visits and their alignment. – Infinite Uses
Hold it (Night) - Learn what happened to the target during the night. – Infinite Uses

Defeat They targeted gamers and any harmful Obama.



Kai_5 Special

THE LAW (Passive) - Immune to death at night once. Your authority is boundless.
Shifting Power (Passive) - You have three modes (investigation, trial, turnabout). After filling the prerequisites, you will transition to the next one.
Trial Mode (Passive) - Your vote secretly counts as two. Once per game, you may choose to gladiate a player. This won’t count as part of the standard lynches for the day. To move to turnabout mode, you must have 15 players “sheep” (vote on the same player as you after you vote) you on wagons that go to lynch. If you are the first voter of a player that flips good, you will become immune to visits for the following night.

Objection (Day) - You can only use this ability when pointing out a contradiction in someone’s logic. This must be pointed out in the main thread, and you must link the post you made to point it out in your rolecard to activate this ability. When properly activated, you will learn whatever happened to the target and what they did last night, alongside fullcopping them. - Infinite Uses

Press (Night) - Target two players. Make a player take one more vote to be lynched, and another take one less vote to be lynched. These effects are secret. - Infinite Uses
Hold it (Night) - Occupy a player and their visitors. - Infinite Uses

Defeat They targeted gamers and any harmful Obama.


Phoenix Wright

Kai_5 Special

THE LAW (Passive) - Immune to death at night once. Your authority is boundless.
Turnabout Mode (Passive) - Bulletproof, occupation, redirection, bleeding, visit prevention, and unfavorable bastard mechanics. If you hammer a good, you will be able to strongman vig a player of your choice at any time.

OBJECTION (Ω) - Publicly strongman vig a player. This must be preceded by pointing out a flaw in their logic. This can be used either during the day or the night. - Infinite Uses

SEE YOU IN COURT (Night) - Jailkeep a player. The factional kill will strongman kill them. - Infinite Uses
HOLD IT (Night) - Change one gamerule of your choice. This will be adapted in a balanced way. - Infinite Uses

Defeat They targeted gamers and any harmful Obama.

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Yeah i was town

i replaced out due to school work issues

Sorry about that @Geyde

shit happend :cry:

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That was because you were talking to me about musical instruments :^)

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I blatantly stole this from UMvC3

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So yeah

Idk what the hell kyo`s argument was tbh

That was a weird TvT tbh

Did you caught my soft or you kill me because of other reason?