SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

This game was just TvT and scum just sat at the sidelines so


This was me


ultimate lifeform

They targeted gamers Support
No (Passive) - If you hammer a good player, you will create a neighborhood with them instead of them joining dead chat.
Yes (Passive) - You will automatically backup every player who has flipped, including scum roles. You can never be death immune, but you may be healed.
20% Cooler (Passive) - You take an additional vote to be lynched. If you hammer an evil, you will regain a use in your first day ability.
BUY SKYRIM (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected. Anyone who visits you will be unable to act the following night. You are macho. If you hammer an evil, you will be bulletproof for the night.

Speedy Save (Day) - You can target an additional player with Protect tonight. – 1 Use
Hey you, you’re awake (Day) - All players visiting you tonight will be healed. – 3 Uses
FUS ROH DAH (Day) - Send a player to the shadow realm, removing them from the game for the rest of the day. They will start to bleed and will die at the end of this night. – 1 Use

Bastard effect (Night) - Do whatever you want. This will be evaluated and affect the game in an interesting™ way. – Infinite Uses
Offer Skyrim (Night) - Offer a player to buy skyrim. They can respond with any action of their choice (not abilities), and you will gain a corresponding effect. – Infinite Uses
Protect (Night) - Heal a player, both protecting them from night kills and healing any bleeding they may be suffering from. – Infinite Uses

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.


Professor Chaos

They targeted gamers Special
THE POWER (Passive) - If you hammer an evil, gain 50 dollars. You may use this to perform free actions.

Summon Minion (Day) - Hire [REDACTED BECAUSE NO]. You will be immune to attacks tonight – 1 Use

Evil Scheme (Night) - Choose a night action. All have 1 shot.

Life Drain - Bleed a player to heal yourself tonight and the following day
Hammer of Chaos - Randomize the target’s visit tonight
Chaos Cloak - Commute yourself

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.



They targeted gamers Investigative
Transfixed (Passive) - You may use two night abilities per night. If you hammer a Obama, you will be labeled as a terrorist for killing a former president.

Prior Investigation (Night) - Gain a use in Court Mandate – Infinite Uses
Court Mandate (Night) - Gain a use in Formal Investigation – 1 Use
Formal Investigation (Night) - Determine a player’s role name and alignment. – 0 Uses

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.


The Terminator

They targeted gamers Offensive

Time Travel (Passive) - When you are killed, you may target two players whose last visits/visitors will be revealed to you. Additionally, any reality distorting effects targeting you will be negated. If you hammer a good, your gun will fire in spurts, occupying a player of your choice.

Give me your clothes (Day) - Remove all limited uses from a target player. – 1 Use

Gun down (Night) - Cripple a player. Should you do this two times on a player they will be vanillarized. If they’ve claimed their role, the secondary effect will instantly activate. – Infinite Uses
I’ll be back (Night) - Tell a player that you’ll be back. Then you can do something crazy the following night. - Infinite Uses

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.

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This was not balanced whatsoever
But it was hilarious

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I couldn’t really speak all that much because I was busy today :^)
Why am I the only BD?

Because Blizer’s special mechanic was for there to be 1 GI role

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Simon was the only active scum

Maxi is Maxi, and is busy IRL

Isn’t it obvious?

I just wanted my revenge from getting beat so badly by you in SCP FM


Delayed strongman pgoizer suicide bomber

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Was excited to use this

Im actually quite irritated to replace out, but i knew i wouldnt be active enough to play this week.

This + my role would have been infinite rolecops + alignment peeks but instead I gave scum more strongmans

I felt like canning this was necessary as it was mostly just a dead man walking

That was the intention
And I was afraid of that ever happening but it worked out™

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It just works


I was King of the Idiots :confused:

I was the one to suggest 2 kings


> be Arete
> get neighborized
> ‘oh fuck was I converted?’

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