SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

Let’s pretend they died flipless.
Let’s ignore their entire existance for now.



they will be back, so just forgetting about them is stupid.

Are you suggesting that we discuss them?

Not at the moment

I wanna see everyone else`s reactions first.

What would they have to input?
What a waste of thread direction.

/vote Blizer

If anyone has anything to say specifically that we don’t know about what happened then they can obviously open a discussion, we gain nothing from delaying thread to ask about a mechanic that we’ve already discussed we have no idea what does.

O o f

Couple things

1.) there is no d1 lynch

2.), only 6 of us have spoken (Including those sent to the shadow realm)

3.) its not a waste of thread direction, cause we can see others reactions, we can create interactions
The thread got spicy, and i want people to communicate with each other

4.) stop with the mechanical talk

Why does that affect anything about you delaying thread progression?
Unless you’re suggesting that D1 is useless without a lynch then your argument with this point is useless.

Okay, and why would we delay the thread to have people talk about them vanquishing rather than discussion with people currently inside the thread?

Okay… and why would it matter what people have to input to the other realm?
Unless they have something mechanical to input it’s useless. We’ve already been over the possibilities and know nothing else.

contradiction spotted

Im not even trying to stop thread direction

The only thing im confused by is double king

but its probs something somebody asked for their upick forum

so, even then, its discussing their alignment, which can be figured out later.

@Blizer I’m prosecutor and I’ll be overturning the lynch onto you if you don’t manage to pick up.
It’s a day-guilt vig that stops the lynch essentially.
If you’re town then both of us will die and the lynch will be prevented.

there is a difference between mechanical talk, and people making content

your trying to make a contradiction when none exists.

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When did talk about a mechanical ability not = mechanical talk



jesus christ…

The lynch tomorrow.

I wanted a king, but I never said I wanted to be one :woman_shrugging:
I think I know the reason why there’s two Kings though but it has to do with the type of king I am

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I said about peoples reactions

not about the mechanics.

theres a fucking difference.

Remind me why the lynch not occuring today is the reason I shouldn’t overturn you

Cause, your either scum looking to mislynch me

or your looking into something that isnt even their, and your reaching super hard.

Theres no contradiction at all.

I talked about people`s reactions to what happend.

We know Derps did something thats mechanical.

I wanna build content off what people will say and react to it

theres a difference between talking mechanics, and talking reactions.

Impossible. I already claimed the ability is a guilt overturn.
That argument is invalid. No scum has a guilt overturn.

Why would I be town reaching super hard? Your attempts to throw shade are lacking.
As town I would have no reason to lie about this discussion currently.

Give me an example of what you’d hope to achieve based off of that isn’t role-specific but strictly social.

Also, how could I be scum looking to mislynch you if I have an overturn at my disposal that doesn’t even need to look for a mislynch, I just use an ability?