SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

I dont even give a shit

Yes there is

If your scum and planning to set up a mislynch, you can try to fuck up the thread, like marshall did in SFoL 53.

we see people`s reactions, and build off that

its not hard to understand

Easy, you could be faking it, to gauge my reaction, or your trying to mislynch me

Mechanics mean jack shit in these games

at the end of the day, reads are more solid than that shit.

At least you’ve admitted to your point going.

No, I didn’t say if I was scum.
I said if I was town.


You implied I am either town looking into something and misinformed or scum looking for a mislynch.

Reactions? Why would people’s reactions to a random mechanical event matter?

You yourself has said that mechanical talk is useless.
Why does people’s reactions to mechanics matter?

I’ve already stated the ability doesn’t require anyone else’s support to work.
I don’t need to try to mislynch you if I had an identical ability as scum without the guilt factor.

Why would scum want to gauge a reaction?

That means that I’d be most likely scum in your eyes.
Why haven’t you tried to at least argue one point at the ability could be fake?

Main question.

Why does reactions toward a random mechanical event give AI reads?

Causes people, to post, and then we can discuss with them, and interact with them, gauging them

something like what happend will generate buzz for people to chatter.

once people start speaking, we can read them.

Why would you not try and engage with someone in the thread currently?

I already was


Theres no one else except you so far.

Why do you think i said that

You wanted to see everyone else’s reactions rather than dismiss the random mechanic event and progress?

I dont give a shit about mechanics

i have said this like 10 times already.

I care about reads.

That is not an answer to why you wouldn’t want the thread to progress rather than stop it to a halt to wait for people commenting on the mechanical event.

Or rather, as you put it, their reactions to the mechanical event.

We are the only ones progressing the thread

im not stopping progression

I want people to come on and talk

and where we can have thread progression.

Im not trying to shutting down the thread.

And I am not a potential person to engage with why?

I was already talking to you

i litreally just said that


It wasn’t productive at all if that’s what you were doing.
You said that you look for reads.
Why didn’t you try to get anything AI out of me?

cause i already was

im still trying to figure out where i have you atm.

I got class, ill be on in 3-4 hours

Two contradictory statements.
You just said you tried to get AI content out of me by… doing absolutely nothing and you’re trying to figure out where you have me.
Yeah, no. You still haven’t given a read yet either.

@SirDerpsAlot I agree. I believe Blizer is scum.
I’ll watch other thread. Talk in there.

Hello everyone; I just got out of a 3D Dynamics exam.
I am indeed one of the two kings.