SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

I’m going to pull a Geyde here with a spicy threadstate read: Blizer v. Kyo is likely TvT due to literally no one else interacting with it, which indicates that scum are happy with the threadstate and don’t see any need to interfere, which is most consistent with a TvT argument.

MUUUERHERHERHER oh hey there fellers!

This ain’t it, chief

bullshit. no way geyde would make a claimvig that finicky

still bullshit imo. its possible theres a hidden d1 lynch. but i doubt this is the case

…assuming your town, which we should not do just yet


screw you i can get around it. geyde makes good bastard games. that is, he makes them consistent
in any game with consistent mechanics, mechanics can be used

note how i did not mention whether or not the game is bastard, any mechanics designed around “reads > mechanics” or a whole load of other things. i did not mention them within that statement as they do not change it i know this sounds angry, but im just saying this preemptively because im pretty sure yall will challenge me on this.

and we can find out sooner through theory craft. we dont have to ask people to claim to do this, although asking for particular pieces can help

mechanics is the way town thats bad at mechanics loses games.

i admit reads are useful. except for me they are unreliable as all get out.
unreliable enough that i am more sure in my ability to use mechanics in a game like this than i am in my reads

agree with the first part. second part, i dont know too much about balance but geyde doesnt go for the extremely wacky off the walls stuff. thats a vague name for a vague category.

in lotrfm i used some mechanics to my advantage.

good if you are relying on how mechanics normally work, your doing it wrong.

consistent bullshit

no, i think i have an okay feel for how geyde rolls in these kinds of games.

yes, but what else is there? is it just another game with standard fm roles? are the alignments in that game indicative of their alignments in this game? do the winners/losers get benefits?
actually, @SirDerpsAlot, when you get this ping, could you let me know whether or not you know about any of these. dont need answers just yet, just a whether or not you know of them. just answer my question and ping me in your thread.

:man_shrugging: nothing geyde has said so far indicates that. so im testing it.

no d1 lynch

freaking make me :slight_smile:

you voted him. he is pointing out how that does not actually count as a source of pressure. because according to our current information there is no way he could be lynched today. so that vote is meaningless.

1, someone probably put down double king as their special mechanic and thats that.
2, i wouldnt be surprised if one of them is semi-standard king and one is a czar varient (go to SFoL 00 to see the czar rolecards)

yeah right. that was totally what you were implying with that post.
you meant today and were either trying to reactiontest him

this is bastard.
your assuming things based purely off conventional things and previous games
thats how you do mechanics wrong

okay yeah, if your town you have no reason to lie.
you arent necessarily town. we dont know. thats the problem

yes, because he believes you are wrong. i thought that was obvious. why did you feel a need to point it out.

hon reactions always matter. ive no idea how but ive stopped questioning it at this point.

because reactions are a portal to reads that arent based off abilities, its based off understanding a person’s motivations, and through their actions (and thus reactions) determine their alignment. in theory

they can find power roles and neutrals this way, same as normal reading

mainly it provides a seed for discussion more than anything else. they themselves dont give strongly ai reads. but they can give slight reads. then people can voice their slight reads to eachother, defending and explaining. people can then draw reads based off of these interactions, which are a bit stronger. rinse and repeat.

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@SirDerpsAlot yes im aware im not allowed to post there :wink:

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This post feels townie and I’m not sure why

Normally I would agree with this but not everyone had posted, and more than half of the active players got shifted to another dimension so I don’t think this holds weight.

Also if it is TvT then I think wolves would push a TvS narrative here to get chain mislynches. Wolves are more happy leaving threads to TvS arguments that go nowhere or its SvS theatre.

Still I don’t think a tempo read here really works.

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Also slank cover next 3 hours got a modern history exam

hihi im here now and will lurk

ping if you need anything as usual

bitch this aint mafia academy you dont need to do massive ass wallposts

only saw 4 ppl be unable to talk until d2 which isnt half and im assuming ur the cause of it then?

i do wall posts instead of posting while im catching up. i never go back and edit something after im on the next quote


I can confirm that this game indeed have convert mechanic, so it would be smart to not trust the so call “confirm town”.
Mechanic talk… While there might be some sort of bastard mechanic that can screw us badly it’s need, after all, this is not a game where everyone is vanilla town.
Speaking of mechanical talk, it’s too quick to say whenever Blizer vs Kyo is TvT or not. May I remind you of zombies apocalypse FM where the same happened? Those two need to stop arguing whenever mechanic talk is need or not and instead discuss something else that will help us more.

This is a sound of demon

No, Derps did it :^)

This is true. It is easy for anyone, regardless of alignment to argue about mechanics and other game related talk.

We have two kings but surprisingly the game is moving at slow speed… I wonder why?

  1. No D1 lynch.
  2. 4 players got sent to the land of nothingness.
  3. No one is talking because there’s nothing to talk about.
  4. Timezone.

You may wonder why I post this, well, we can fix the first and third problem.
For the first problem, let’s pretend there’s day one lynch. Don’t forget that everything is possible in this game.
For the third problem, I need your guys to help with this. Basically, just quote some post that stands out and we can discuss it.

Oh hi boss

Oh hi, got any information?