SFoL 55 - Dead Chat

I should go to sleep since I’m groggy and but my brain won’t let me

Pretty sure their Ruthless is gone now.

inb4 Arete is evil and royal pardones Datbird.

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If blue really forgot to submit, i quit life.

especially because we could strike a deal with magnus/solic/arete and convert magnus after lynching tele.

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I seriously think Arete is EK with the way they were pushing on Kyo yesterday

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arete is CK.

they gaurded solic.

Neuts don’t push on pretty much confirmed BD like that :confused:

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Cult King? Oh fuck



This is why
This is why
This is why Arete needed to HANG


but seriously, we probably coulda had this game had blue not noactioned.

I still think a deal can be struck with solic and magnus still, but arete can always side BD here and we can’t do anything about it.

I think even with Blue killing Shuri, we’d be screwed either way if I died since I was highly townread for… My Hunter claim?

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if anyone but dat is lynched.

(arrow shot at dat by shuri, tele dies, shuri dies, magnus converted, game ends with blue winning, magnus winning, solic winning, arete winning, unseen winning)

If dat is lynched:

BD win, solic wins, blue wins, arete wins,

I don’t think dat can really get outta this one, except for pleading for arete to kingmake.

I just can’t stop getting myself mislynched can I?

I’ve even been L-2 as Prince and that was literally the only thing that stopped my lynch.

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Man, tbh, I think Shurian’s clearly the best BD. I didn’t expect my butt to be arrowed

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you shouldn’t have been arrowed.

dat should have.

wait no he was jailed

Of course Shurian is best BD this game.
They were even against my lynch.