SFoL 55 - Dead Chat

Also @anon97870008 did you get executed by the Prince?

Yes, Priestess was executed.
Squire has a one time death immunity passive.

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So Prince has no exes, Dat and Shurian are both still aliveā€¦

how tf did Kyo get lynched


I wrote him on my locktown list, dont ask me :frowning:

Everyone was convinced dat was the n1 convert because of the flawless logic of
ā€œMarshal likes dat, and probably would convert himā€
ā€œDat shaded marshal once on d1, so marshal had do convert himā€

And then they all pushed on the most likely MM candidate(Had to be two people, one was soul and one was kyo(and soul caught me in the first place, but kyo also helped, so idk if town can read)

I have 0 clue how the 2nd most powerful town got lynched, even when we had an outed unseen and an outed NK.



Dead today:

Soulshade + PKR + shurian

it is now 7 players.

Arete + unseen quicklynch tele, and the unseen win after converting magnus(or win either way)

I canā€™t sleepā€¦ Maybe itā€™s because I was ready to quickhammer Teology or something, but I canā€™t fucking sleep no matter how hard I try

Oh jesus help me.


how dafuq was shuri not deadded?

was squid the heathen?

I was a Hunter, I couldnā€™t have been Heathen

i imagine pkr + soulshade were the 2f1ā€™d dudes

tele mustā€™ve gone for ya.

But shuri should be dead.

You flipped as Assassin Poisoned.

he was hunter at first

Let me rephrase that. I started as Hunter

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if blue forgot to submit i cri.

because that throws a wrench in literally everything.