[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I am fully aware

Arete is the neut I trust the least tbh

Funny, heā€™s the neut I trust the most.

Luxy is oepafkoeafkeafme and katze hasnā€™t been pro-town whatsoever.

I guess this means the bar for trusting a neut is pretty low but whatever.

who said i was sheriff?


and you trusted someone else claiming for me im not sheriff

i never even claimed

I assumed town wouldnā€™t fucking lie to me when Iā€™m close to getting lynched.
First Hja did it and now Priestess.

If youā€™re reactiontesting me, good job.

no reactiontest here can you claim since ur gonna get lynched anyways

claiming to lockscum from my POV

ā€œmy check bypasses frames and tailorsā€
does not rescind the check

yeah no Isaac is always scum from my POV and nothing will change that.

i think i missed ur claim can u just say the class

What does it change if I claim?

i know ur class

ā€¦And? How does that help solve my alignment?

just claim

Iā€™m not going to claim for no reason. Iā€™ve already said itā€™s disadvantageous for me.

why wouldnā€™t u claim if i have a red check on u