[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Solic called me out for doing that even though I was scum copying the princess class card

It’s angle shooting

Get isaac to claim his role and let us find it then

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If sending a copy of your card was angleshooting half of you guys would have been modkilled


I think technically the problem there was that then you said ‘I couldn’t copy it that fast unless it were really my class card’ but I’m not a mod

Not this classcard!
We meant the “classcard in DMs with you”

Like half of you guys have send cards of classes you claimed

Their the same thing?

Derps has the ability to nuke half the game for angleshooting :eyes:

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I think she means quoting the classcard.

In any case it’s not like it’s that much harder to copy-paste from the GI thread

If he doesn’t claim until EoD, I reserve my right to dunk on him.

And you know what should take like ten seconds, posting the name of your class when people point out that your claim doesn’t add up

‘ooOoOoOOoOooOo lynch vul isaac redchecked him’

I have obtained a lust for blood after killing jgoes

Friendly periodic reminder to everyone NOT to visit me tonight

thank you

bounties arete


do you know how urgent I want to hammer Vulgard now, just to make sure no confirmed townie gets exed

Kyo wasn’t confirmed