[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I frankly don’t give a shit about that. Voting. Parity. Is. Important.

Unless we want to rely on neuts to win us the game again, like it happened in Old Ruins.

Vulgard’s mindset comes from town

I was thinking the same thing yesterday

Is not even a thing in fol

But hell, this is pure

Isaac needs to claim. I actually don’t like that Isaac didn’t tell us the type of scum we’re dealing with

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Honestly the amount of scum in this setup is ridiculous given they can reach parity on day fucking 3 with neuts but I digress.

If anyone other than Isaac gets lynched today we are basically at the mercy of the neutrals and I trust only one of them.

I agree, but this could also be a really convenient defense.

IMO: Lynch neither of them today, let one get bountied, and I’ll see what I can do to figure out which one is the real scum.

Isaac is not going to claim because he dug himself into a corner with no claim that matches his assertions.

That’s the wrong expression lol.

Town loses whenever they refuse to lynch within the thunder dome though

Clearly this only means one thing
/vote Isaac

Same, but I think we trust different ones lol

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IF I GET MISLYNCHED WE LOSE THE FUCKING GAME. This is not a convenient defense, I have to do this or we’re at the mercy of neutrals and you all know what I think about that.

Hecking both are towny
And Vulgard’s reads are kinda awful
But on the other hand, Isaac hasn’t provided much anything

If we NL, have 2 deaths, and you use your ability today/tomorrow, there’d be no issues?

I think.

wait wait wait I just realised something

Arete will 100% side BD for tele. Kat knows i’ll break his knees if he doesn’t side with us.

Oh how many times I’ve heard this.
In Marson it came from scum lol.

I am gonna use my ability when it is necessary to do so, yes

the age of consent in Germany is 14.
I am Priestess of Law.
Priestess lives in Germany.

Can I legally do the bad thing?