[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Is it? No one would really expect it.

can I claim NK

I agree with this sentiment, as Isaac vs. Vulgard is the most reliable thunderdome and the only one which is absolutely guaranteed.

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Because you wouldnā€™t vote Priestess, you have a redcheck so I have no reason to tell you to change your vote.

Maxwell, youā€™re stupid.

Please donā€™t lynch outside of the thunderdome!
Lynch either Isaac or Vulgard.

I might vote Priestess. I have to review the past 5 hours of this game in which I was absent before I make my own conclusions.

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Stop insulting

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I donā€™t even have anything to do with all of thisā€¦
are the thunderdomes. Not I.

No one tells me this when Iā€™m swearing.

so that gives you the right to insult without swear words

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Good guys bad guys and Mind Blowtions

ā€œIdiotā€ is a swearword. Now stop trying to hurt others, please.



New rule, whenever someone in this thread insults someone else Iā€™m pinging the victim with a compliment


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