[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I just imagine judging someone as me holding their hand and walking them into a bunch of sawblades.

Like lambs to a slaughter I guess.

Has Luxy voted insanity?

Yes, they voted first to be exact.

@Italy @PoisonedSquid @Teleology please end the day; the game is solved.

(Well, Isaac voted first but we bullied him into unvoting)

Tele can not vote.

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ah forgot sorry

/vote insanity
Waz should I invest Isaac or someone else

I’m not letting things quickhammer. I feel like this is going by way too fast wagnomics wise

Wazza Unofficial VC:

Insanity I Luxy, Wazza, Maxwell, Arete, Simon I 5/6
Isaac I Italy, Squid I 2/6
Wazza I Isaac I 1/6

Mate mate mate.

Isaac won’t be awake in the morning.

Isaac is confirmed scum. Don’t waste an invest on him.

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It has 2 neutrals on it my dude.

Then who

So? Those neutrals can easily turn against us if scum have majority

Someone in my 2 out of these people are scum.

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I can also do mechanics stuff, Oracle style

He means Hja, me, or Squid @Simon

Apparently it works off objective truth, not subjective
