[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Oh Hja is town isn’t she

No, she’s my sumbuddy

Hte one that makes all invest results hte opposite as long as she’s alive

I read it somewhere on thread


Squid can you repeat this sentence: cats are so cool they care about carnivores in facilities where factual evidence is disregarded

I’m in lass, I’ll do it on break

Class: Luxy’s Mindflayer design.

Day 1: Insight Boss – Social/Support

Night 1: Mindstorm you as Seymour Skinner #402, Neutral Special, Correct, I appear as The Haunted One #300. I’ve had my fake claim set all game but I didn’t claim until I absolutely had to, yesterday. Haunted one was a great choice. It’s a BD Social that is unconvertible and cannot confirm itself while alive. Empowered Brain Destruction Soulshade55r, Strongman Kill Soul, bypassing death immunity, force Soul to target Waz, bypassing redirection immunity.

Day 2: Insight Vulgard – Special/Investigative

Night 2: Mindstorm Luxy as #420 Deranged Fan, Neutral Investigative, Correct, I regain the charges of Insight I have used and my visits are entirely hidden from investigators tonight. Empowered Brain Destruction Priestess, Strongman Kill Priestess, Force Priestess to target Isaac_Gonzalez, Bypassing Redirection Immunity

Day 3: Insight H_Hja – Social/Support

Night 3: Mindstorm PoisonedSquid as #529 The Warden, BD Offensive, Incorrect, I had one failure left now before I lost my Mindstorm passive, but this disproved Squid’s claim as bullshit. Receive PR where I must now use OwO and UwU alternating in every post for the rest of the game. Attempt Whispers of Insanity on PoisonedSquid, Class to Flip As: #409, Cult 2.0 Offensive, this fails. I lose all remaining uses of my limited use abilities (Insight and Mind Read). Also, cult attempted and failed to bleed me yesterday; meaning they didn’t really figure out that I was the NK until today.

Day 4: I called bullshit on Squid’s claim that they had removed all uses of my limited use abilities, because even though this had happened, I mechanically knew that her “The Warden” claim was absolute bullshit. I think they voted Isaac yesterday because they thought he was the NK. As I said in a post earlier yesterday, Squid was hunting desperately for the NK yesterday, was fairly lost as to who it was, and came up short on Isaac. Hell, I was gifted a double vote by Tele because she though Waz was the NK over me! Over me!! No one really knew that I was an NK, or even that an NK existed, until today.

Night 4: Mindstorm WazzaAzza as #60 Priestess of Law, Blue Dragon Support, Correct, I heal myself of any bleeding and infection tomorrow night (tonight), even though I’m bleed immune lol. Empowered Brain Destruction Simon, Strongman Kill Simon, Bypassing Death Immunity, Force Simon to target H_Hja, Bypassing Redirection Immunity.

I had the scumteam solved a while ago.

I skated by undetected for the entire game. Hell, Waz thought there couldn’t be an NK yesterday.

Squid was sure the NK was Isaac or Waz. I was entirely under the radar until today which is what you’re supposed to do as NK, and I did it very well.


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Yeah I definitely thought Wazza was NK tbh

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Hey Arete do you love me

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The way things turned out this game, although partially luck, it was partly strategy as well.
Because I didn’t kill a member of the cult until last night, failed a kill night 3, and killed the same person Wazza claimed to have killed night 2, no member of the town really knew and ever confidently could have known that there was an NK in the game until today.


@ townies in dead chat I’m not gonna throw ok xoxo but this is my last game unless it ends before survivor in which that will be my last

Yes Tele

also fuck is a word that counts for my PR

We should kill Squid today

Do you forgive me for giving us post restrictions

Why though

Hja tried to save me from Italy and I appreciate that

What the fuck, that was you?

Unfortunately yes

I forced members of the groupscum to blatantly slip multiple times (Squid) or just start openwolfing (Simon) because they were hunting desperately for the NK.

Groupscum bled me towards the end of yesterday, meaning they comprehensively failed in their investigative efforts in every way to pinpoint me as the NK.

Hell, they didn’t even know before I outed today.

Groupscum thought you were possibly the NK? Seriously?

I put on a masterclass of clandestinity and deception this game. No one ever really figured out that I was the NK on their own.


I have a plan just trust me if u love me

Tele you realize that Maxwell can just kill you