[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

are people going to be mad at me if I vote against them :frowning:

Probably… I’m just mad at everything right now

It’s a damn good thing my PR is 1 in 10 posts

Luxy promised to side with town but he can’t now as town is eradicated.

My class is the one Luxy created, #12 the Mind Flayer. He did say earlier he wish that class spawned, and it did in me, but no hard feelings if you side against me. There’s always the next game. :slight_smile:


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And Max, don’t you dare say that I’m even more trash beause I keep breaking my post restrition!!! Typing a bunh of symbols is way easier than having to remove a letter off every word and having autoorret fuk me over!

I never said you were trash; I was just verifying that you lost your vote.
You’re a great player and always a lot of fun to play with.


I’m sorry for snapping, it’s just… this type of situation isn’t fun for anyone. Not for sum, not for neuts, nobody… That’s why those type of neuts get removed in the first plae…

Bull shit on this though; you didn’t let anyone win.

There were 2 neuts, me, and 2 town on Insanity’s wagon that were never going to vote anyone else. Simon was the only scum on that wagon and your team did noty have five votes in a quest to get a mislynch there, only four; you, Simon, Hja, and Insanity. And even if you had tried, Tele could have used her vote gifting ability a day early. You didn’t let Luxy win, town and other neuts helped him win. You could not have stopped that Insanity lynch or even tied it, even if you had tried as hard as you could have.


These games can be stressful, I agree. I apologize if I’ve caused you any heartache.


an we just say that we both won spiritually? I feel like that’s the most fair tbh

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I’m down with that.
If neither Luxy nor Arete feel like either of us has clearly earned this win over the other, I’m also comfortable with just a second vote on me and letting RNG decide the lynch.


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Do posting memes that have the forbidden letter involve ount as a break to the post restrition?
@SirDerpsAlot @Marshal

I will allow it because i don’t hate fun, but using images or quotes maliciously in an attempt to bypass a PR will result in punishment.


Thank you. Now then… it’s meme time beause I need some way to let out my anxiety and frustration with this ending

I’m not sure how much I should count it against Maxwell that I basically knew he was evil from D1 because my reasoning was totally fucking wrong

How so?


You had a lack of awareness/attention to the thread but an extremely good understanding of your position in it, particularly as regards the Alice fakeclaim. With the claim being revealed an FPS, I thought your buddies had told you about it in scumchat.

So you thought I was groupscum for a good while.

Seems you also still suspected me of being groupscum near SoD before I outed.

Did you ever suspect me of being NK?

Also, what does that mean, exactly? I’m not quite sure I understand.



You had a good understanding of how people were perceiving you and why, which was inconsistent with the amount of attention you claimed to be paying.

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