[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

People requested it not to. So that’s why

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Whats in the spec chat stays there

well pls invite eevee to cult chat and dead chat then @Marshal @SirDerpsAlot

I’m so curious what happened in spec chat :eyes:


Does it involve anyone getting insulted?

squid, privacy reasons.
i dont think theyd be able to say

GG @PoisonedSquid
You were a worthy adversary
If you’re curious what I was going to do the last night, I succeeded a mindstorm on you (since you told me you were the Torturer) so I was going to strongman kill you bypassing death immunity, force you to target yourself bypassing redirection immunity, and occupy everyone who visited me bypassing occupation immunity.

I invited squid to dead chat, they are already in cult chat.

spec chat is our dirty little secret

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@PoisonedSquid please publicize cult and dead chats to this game when you can

got it ty

Not to my knowledge.

well then you clearly didn’t read specchat

we have our reasons.


Man reads back to find (redacted) in specchat

Yeah… defo cant show it. But I can reveal that we had a hefty discussion on Isaac.

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If it was opened you guys would find out [REDACTED]

Spectator chat is withdrawn as I may or may not have leaked my address in it.
Stay tuned for more information.

I can’t tell if I missed that or you’re memeing tbh

Hey gosh darn it stop leaking your info



What a brave man
