[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

… >.>
how could you

I mean it could be a subtle “posting less than you’re actually available” thing. Like in Deus x 3 I’ll admit to spanking a bit, like I didn’t contribute as much as I could have because I was talking in scum chat instead of just overall unmotivated (because of irl but eh)

The N0 clears are gonna die before they get a chance to use these abilities and confirm Priestess, so yeah. Depending on the KP, I mean.

Also, does the converted version of the Brewer keep their ‘self-resolving’ abilities?

forgive me, for i have sinned

But if I have high activity as scum always (which historical evidence suggests I do)

And variable activity as town

Then me having low activity is not scum indicative

This is how numbers work

Yes, but you can’t start as converted Brewer

you were supposed to rooslam

What makes you say that?

Acutally you can.

thats part

Indeed, rip you.
‘Self-resolving’ my ass.

I was thinking on the “Priestess of Law” class

thats how numbers work but not how scum and town work

On the other side :thinking: I can only be starting evil when the faction we are fighting against is Unseen…? is that correct?

So you think I’m more likely to be scum because I’m doing something that I’ve literally never done as scum, only as town


when have you low posted as town


life is pain


The scum we are fighting against seems to be some type of cult faction? According to Derps at the beginning of the thread… not sure if I’m interpreting that correctly

that doesnt count because it was vanilla game