[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Can you please drop it? There’s no use continuing petty drama that isn’t going to do anyone any good

Majority is 8

It wouldn’t even have been enough votes to slam it lmao

Tele doesn’t count towards majority required

Is that referring to me claiming, or proving myself tonight?

I’d greatly prefer not claiming yet. It’s my last resort option.

/vote Jgoes

Marshal, what is half of 16, + 1?

Sure sure, my apologies.

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Try to prove yourself, also can you give me your current PoE?

I forgot majority is 8

Majority is 9

Well, we might as well hammer Jgoes

/vote Jgoes

too much math go away

Majority is 9.


Why are we having a debate over majority now?

Accused Voters Votes
Jgoes Wazza, Arete, Italy, Maxwell, Katze 5/8

Majority is 8. End of Questioning. I can do math.

(ping me if I made any errors)

16/2 = 8

8 + 1 = 9

Majority is always half+1, so it’s 9.

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lets not hammer i was bored waiting for the day to start and now its ending ;(

16 + 2 = 8
8 + 1 = 9

Majority is 9.

I voted Jgoes