[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Their are no errors don’t question it

Like I said, the means of which I can do so aren’t entirely up to me.

Not sure what my PoE is, yet.

Aight so someone reduced majority by 1

You guys realise that you don’t announce if the majority is decreased, right?


Or Jgoes is hated

Seems about right. Probably it.

So someone had a plan to push a mislynch today?


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Alright I’m Just Gonna say it.

Tele’s vote does not count and does not add to majority.

Majority is 8.

Yeah, we figured.

Tele is dead but not dead :eyes:

Oh alright heh

I didn’t realize it decreased the majority by 1 but that makes sense

Tfw Boss asks for protection D1 and then you don’t protect him because why would someone attack someone that asked for protection and then he dies N1 anyway

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inb4 jgoes is actually silent because he can’t plan with his scumbuddies :eyes:

Tbf I do think he would be asleep

:zzz: :sleeping:

What do you think about Max/Insanity/Kat/Squid, Isaac?