[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Else I never play another game and this is hte only reason I have not joined Max’s game yet

Hey Maxwell, you just liked my post, are you groupscum or the fucking NK?

Go re-read Maxwell’s response to you saying you would never play another game again and tell me he’s not scum with TMI that Vul was fucking BD

/Vote Arete

I might as well start lolcatting

Then I stay true to my word

I am the Mind Flayer.
Squid is not a Warden. H_Hja is confirmed CL. Town has lost and now neuts decide the game.



Imagine having a vote lol :upside_down_face:

The only possible NK is you or Maxwell. I’m saying it right now, I’m groupscum, so I just want the NK out of here

Max has double vote so he wins

Oh my God, the post restrition! It’s harder on phone!

/vote PoisonedSquid


WHY?! You want the NK to win?!

Ehh, Luxy and I could still make groupscum or Maxwell win

@Luxy what do you fucking think

I kind of want to give it to the NK because NK games are hard

Better that I gave NK the vote than group scum I guess

Yeah duh I’m last BD so I can’t win

/Vote Maxwell

She gave it to me yesterday to hammer Isaac, and from there, it’s permenant.


Well, it’s up to the Neuts I guess… sigh

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Do either of you want to make a case for why you deserve to win

Kingmaker situations are fucking dumb

I thought Max was BD and Wazza was NK so this is really unfortunate and also I only protected scum with my guards