[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


Accused Voters Votes
Squid Maxwell 2/3
Maxwell Squid 1/3

Iā€™ve battled my ass off all game and NK has never won a non-bastard, non-turbo game on this site IIRC. NK is extremely difficult to win as in a SFoL environment, and arguably, Cult was coasting a lot of the game off the kills I gave them and the luck that I never killed any of them until last night. Feel free to support who you like tho, itā€™s not personal. :slight_smile:


There have been NK wins in SFoLs before and there was technically a fucking Revenant win in like FoL 7

but you make a compelling argument :thinking:

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So Maxā€™s response wasnā€™t TMI


Okay I get it Iā€™m fucking dumb

But I am really annoyed and I donā€™t like neutrals tbh

Yeah, I do. Iā€™ve been way more ative than Maxwell and looked more Townie while doing so. Weā€™ve also been srewed by Simon and Luxy despite them possibly winning with us and I manipulated wagons even though theyā€™re TvT

Neuts are not to blame for BDā€™s loss here

I literally cannot give you the fucking win if I tried, thatā€™s not because Iā€™m a neut thatā€™s because BD imploded

Yeah I know they arenā€™t I lost because I hate neuts lol

Current evidence points to you losing because Isaac gamethrew, unless either of Squid and Maxwell knows how that fucking check happened

Wellā€¦ Hjasikā€™s passive might of played into that :confused:

@SirDerpsAlot @Marshal

Should majority actually be 4? Or has someone used an ability that reduced the hammer requirement by one vote?


Tele doesnā€™t count for the goddamn majority

Ive said it before, i will say it again. Tele Does not count towards majority.o

Oh, speaking of whih. @Emilia Vote Maxwell, heā€™s outed NK with double vote

Whatā€™s her passive :thinking:

If someone visits her, they beome permanently framed

I hAtE tHiS PoSt ReStRiCtIoN

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6 / 2 rounded down + 1 = 4, not 3.
Is majority 4?


You and me both. Just vote Maxwell and we an hopefully get this over with fast