[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Reminder that the three locktown can still be converted.

If conversion mechanics exist.

Which they probably do.

I donā€™t know, just the attitude. The anger makes me slightly afraid and makes me want to TR you but itā€™s the same type of vibe I got in CoC when you were scum and being very angry at me trying to convince me that you were town in dead chat

Wolfy pop in in the form of information that is generally understood, unhelpful, and causes skepticism for lock town members that shouldnā€™t exist yet

In need of a replacment, LMK if you can replace in.

Iā€™m getting really sick and tired of this.

Listen up, if thereā€™s one thing I hate, itā€™s being townread or scumread from my attitude. Thatā€™s something that ticks me off the most. Something I keep quoting which I want to get into your head is that no matter Town or Scum, my anger will always be genuine. I refuse to break that.

Plus, thatā€™s called passive-aggressiveness, not full on anger.

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This is where Iā€™m at

  1. #Squid = slight Town read
  2. *Soulshade ā€” Tavern Keeper
  3. (Isaac = null read
  4. )Wazza ā€” PriestessOfLaw = scum read
  5. *Italy = Town read ā€” Miller (Conf by Boss?)
  6. )Jgoes = slight scum read
  7. *Katze = BD (Kyo)
  8. )Jake = slight scum read
  9. *Teleology - IC BD Queen :crown:
  10. #Priestess ā€” Brewer = slight town read
  11. *KyoDaz = BD ā€” Alice
  12. )Vulgard = scum read
  13. (Arete ā€” Seymour Skinner
  14. *Boss = Town read
  15. -Luxy = neut ā€” Fan
  16. *Insanity = BD (Kyo)
  17. *Maxwell = BD (Kyo)
  18. *Geyde Hja = Town read

Most towny

Kat } Mech confirmed by Kyo + Mod

Italy } Mech confirmed by Boss

Soul } Basically socially confirmed town

Squid } More likely town than not

Arete } Neut claims

Jake } PoE (likely contains 3-4 scum)

Least towny

Sorry but, scumread? Seriously? Explain it. Properly.

Jake is probably fine.

your claim seems very coincidental, you have been focused on defending yourself rather than helping gamesolve, and your attitude is somewhat fear mongering. Also you act like claiming makes you confirmed town when it doesnā€™t. And clearly you like being read as confirmed town and you arenā€™t saying the ā€œwell I would do this as scum so I wouldnā€™t TR me for itā€ like you do as town.

Hold up.

Youā€™re expecting to gamesolve in a Grand Idea game?

Just checked by the way, I can infact target the King.

One of the people in the PoE has a neut/town slot though

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Jake is prolly town.

Iā€™m expecting you to attempt to contribute

lmao Italy


I canā€™t with you.

Youā€™re expecting me to contribute, what good is my contribution if Iā€™m being scumread, youā€™ll just ignore it?

Town reading Jake for not talking

I have my reasonsā€¦