[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Not true. I’m willing to listen to what anyone has to say. What are your thoughts/opinions?

Jake doesn’t need to be PoE’d

My thoughts are non-existent. You would know this if you read the thread. Find the message that answers this question and I’ll contribute slightly.

Does anyone disagree with me TRing jake? Provide reasoning

Not much to read, is there? All… zero posts?

Also, In Wazzas defense - if I rolled Priestess Of Law I’d 100% have fun with it too. Coincidental roll? Maybe. I wouldn’t entirely disregard it solely off of that though.

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I don’t bend to your will. If you’re actually town stop being a self-centered ass. I do read the thread but I don’t examine every detail in every one of your posts, sorry not sorry

He hasn’t spoken at all

The whole point is, you haven’t read my posts. Checkmate.

I mean, that’s not the part I have a problem with. That actually strengthens the position that he could be Town

He did that in NFoL

This certainly sounds negative in context.

tele making wallpost? :eyes:

What have you done? I’ve read your ISO twice now. You just claim PriestessOfLaw, talk about off topic shit, then say how you can kill me even though I’m IC BD King and you argue with me about the fact that I’m scum reading you without interacting with my reads, giving me anything to work with, or giving me any reason not to suspect that you’re scum still tbh. Like yeah I get that there is no good defense — I know that all too well. But town knows that the best defense is offense. Stop defending yourself, ignore my reads, make your own reads, and change my mind.

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The role playing isn’t the problem. The class is

That’s my point.

Although with potential anticlaim in mind, I can see the doubt. But that’d apply to every claim, wouldn’t it?

I know all

That’s not the sole basis of my read though, it’s an addition

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I am Italy the All-Knowing, ask me anything

Am I cute?

Your pfp is, you are…decent

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