[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

How red is your redcheck, Isaac? Like, is this ‘can literally only be scum’ or ‘probably scum’ or ‘FPSing is fun’ or…?

Also I speculate that Kat is actually scum. I was scum reading him before he got green checked

im not saying nothing but that i got a red check on vul

kat’s busy playing throne

i’m honestly just waiting for someone to push me saying i was redchecked :eyes:

So, is Jgoes Town or not, I don’t understand this at all.

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if he IS town, the day continues if we lynch him
if he ISN’T town, the day ends and we killed a scum good going us

is u miller

Jgoes/Kat/Max/Vul are my guesses for who is scum atm


But big bet Max is town and someone else is scum

i’m this close to bashing my head against a wall

I check if people are Town.
I targeted Jgoes.

are you okay or am I just confused and tired from a migraine?

Wait you checked J as town?

No I was quoting Italy

If jgoes is a member of the Town faction, also known as blue dragon, when his execution takes place, the day cycle shall continue and we may behead another player at day.
If jgoes is a member of the scum faction, such as Mafia, Cult, Unseen, or any other faction in the Grand Idea, the day will end anyways, and we will have killed a scum member.

Oh, you’re a bountier. Gotcha.

Well, Jgoes is guarenteed bountied then. /vote Jgoes

Do you know what bounty is? That’s what Italy did to Jgo

wait so ur noble right?

You guys Wazza can kill Vul tonight if Jgoes is scum
