[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

also /vote jake



Yes. I just said.

I guided you last night, which means your ability on Jgoes should never have failed.

permission to shank isaac

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No Italy is using a noble-like ability. If you TR Italy donā€™t vote Jake

im joking /vote jgoes but occupy vulgard tonight

/vote Jgoes

/vote jgoes

as of now i am useless to the town other than a vote goodluck noobs

My ability on Jgoes? Please donā€™t guide me lol, Iā€™m Gucci dw

I was meant to quote Italyā€™s post there lol.

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Can we not quickhammer Jgoes?

/vote Jgoes
Very little risk if bounty is actually active.

Wait for Derps to do the VC

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Why, do you have a better option? Your opinion doesnā€™t matter? I agree.

Working on the VC

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Oh, Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t know that you were an asshole.

Jake is right, we can still get info from people during the day so that we can keep lynching evils

You physically canā€™t say that with the amount of screenshots I have of you being one to me for no reason.

Why do I trust Max more than Insanity rn