SFoL 58 Balance Talk Thread Revamped

Good idea ty

I quickly checked and Warden/Prince do not convert from any class other than the Duke, so you already have that covered.

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just need to clarify that prince, warden, sheriff, and agent cannot spawn

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So what do you think of the setup so far, @Vulgard ?
Are you excited?

need to make page non unique too lol

If you can’t already tell…

Let me see if I understand this correctly.

The first conversion can’t be on N1 and goes on a 2-night cooldown after being successful.
All further conversions have a 1-night cooldown.
Do I have that correct?

Yes, so can’t get a second convert until n5

does that seem good?

If not what would you suggest

you’ve been great help thus far so i’ll follow whatever you think is best.

Differences in strengths between the two factions:

Visionary has call to arms (grants special super ability to every BD class alive)

Arbiter has more powerful immunity (Cannot die period outside of a lynch or duke execution)

There is more likely to be a second Visionary than a second arbiter, any other BD alive will become a second Visionary if the original dies, whereas only the original Champion, Socialite, and in a rare case Magistrate can become the second Arbiter.

Champion can retain a limited use ability from a previous class and can 2 for 1 once

Heroine will not attack Neutrals with her normal attack which is nice and can pierce death immunity if there are any dead bd

KyoDaz’s Feedback

Unseen Classes

I doubt you’d need to specify that it doesn’t work on neutrals for expert investigation as they weren’t really traitors to the Unseen if they weren’t on their side to begin with.
Just to make the ability names look a bit nicer. If it becomes a problem you could just state that

Traitors to the Unseen = Hand of Byzantium or Blue Dragon

or just say that it’s basically a synonym for Cultseen just for HoB and BD.

Double infinite uses, if you’re going to give them that much characters and two messages I’d honestly just give them infinite messages to make life easier. I don’t see it impacting gameplay massively if it’s been given two messages; maybe if it had one message each.

Double Ballad

Needs rumour added (only Maid has it, not handmaiden but this is basically a nerfed maid.)

Three passives, perhaps merge Isolation and Retribution? Don’t think it’s possible to have three though I do admit it looks nicer.

Rumor (Day) - Target player will be “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. Cannot be used day 1. - 2 Uses.

^ Rumor just for reference.

Handmaiden definitely needs a buff. It’s weaker than current FoL Maid. And that’s bad.
You’ve turned change sheets into a night action. Nobody is going to use it over matchmake.
They’re both weak honestly.

It does seem good, I just wanted to make sure.
I think it should be reworded.
“The first conversion cannot occur on N1 and will go on a 2-night cooldown after being successful. All further conversions go on a 1-night cooldown upon being successful.”
I think that sounds a little better.

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Writing infinite uses twice in a row with duke was a complete typo, thanks for that

I agree with Kyo’s wording change suggestion.

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One message each, I think. You don’t want this to become a half-anonymous neighborhood chat, do you.

I didn’t make that class, pug did for RotBD III
I’ll change it hold on

I also agree with the Handmaiden buffs.

if you have a suggestion for the full new class i’ll use it
otherwise i’ll rewrite multiple abilities there