SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

You mean Duke

Yes Prince makes it easier to understand for everyone

New Arbiter

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Battle-Tested (Passive) - You are immune to every possible form of death except a lynch and Duke execution, including all attacks that bypass immunity. You are also occupation and redirection immune even if you become the Champion or become elected as a Purified King.
Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host at the start of the game or when you are promoted to the arbiter which you would like for to investigators. This class can be any class in the game, even any prestige class. You are fully immune to all investigative abilities for the entire game (or entire rest of the game if you are the second arbiter) and will always appear as your desired class to investigators. You may choose one day ability from any class in the game besides the Duke, Warden, Sheriff, Agent, or any BD classes to add to your classcard, either at the start of the game for the first Arbiter or when you become the Arbiter for the second. Additionally, if you are the original Arbiter and die, a second arbiter will be promoted from the oldest living Hand of Byzantum Member. There will never be a third Arbiter.
Triumphant Resolve (Day) - Imbue an unstoppable feeling of resolve in all members of the Hand of Byzantium, empowering them tonight. The Hand of Byzantium will receive a message when this is activated. The individual effects can be found on each class card. - Infinite Uses, 2 day cooldown.
Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, Cannot Convert Night 1, then a two-day cooldown after the first conversion succeeds, then a one-day cooldown for every conversion attempt after that.
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may force them to target another, or force them to target themselves. If they target themselves, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Doesn’t work Arbiter already has 2 day abils

Removed imperial urgency, now it should

no it’s fine but maybe scale it back a little.

becuase that can be used to get two consecutive converts and that’s just… a lot with 3 starting scum.

also, it’s a little similar to the BD one, andt that isn’t awful, but the idea of it being on every odd night besides n1 because that adds some variation, which might be better to have to make each scumfac feel more unique.

idk what to do

what do you think of the other ones i wrote

Most of them seem pretty good, and have the same type of effect as call to arms
(which I also like, because it gives scum a boost once in a while)

I just think it might be good to change the conditions in which they happen, to add a little differecne between the HOB and BD

bitch i never said this


@Marshal Replaced loyal links with this:
Precise List (Triumphant Resolve | Night) - Learn exactly which factions visited you tonight, and how many players of each faction. - 2 uses

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you should know im going to keep Duke convertible though

I was talking about the Arbiter card

yeah i know, that was kind of bad and i removed that part

Doesn’t work, 2 day and 2 night abils already.

The Champion :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
I am the Hand (Passive) - If you were a previous class before becoming the Champion, choose one limited use ability with 2 or more starting uses from any of your previous classes and gain it again as the Champion, with one fewer use than it began with in its original class. If you are the original Champion, did not have any limited use abilities with two or more uses in any of your previous classes, then this passive does not apply. If you choose to make use of this passive, then you must replace either one of your current day or night abilities depending on if the limited use ability you want to keep is a day or night ability.
Swift Swipe (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Corpse Swap (Day) - Choose a player. If you successfully kill them tonight, they will flip as a class of your choice with a logbook of your choosing or an empty logbook. (1 use)
Merciless Attack (Night) - Attack a player with the might of your blade - Infinite uses.
Supreme Strike (Night) - Attack two players in the same night. - 1 use. (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Ancient Technique (Triumphant Resolve | Night) - Attack a player and bypass all forms of protection and immunity. - 2 uses, shared.


How do you use two night abilities in the same night


Anything else? @Luxy