SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

im busy

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ok, ty for the help
ping me later if you have anything else to say

What happened to Arbiter :thinking:

Honestly not sure if HoB should get Triumphant Resolve, I think that should be limited to BD. Meanwhile HoB could get something else if we really want to empower them. Maybe empower their converts so they get 3 abilities per phase or something. They’re supposed to be the misleaders, while BD has more raw power (hence the existence of Call to Arms) but are less misleading.

TL;DR don’t like where the Arbiter changes are going; the Duke thing is fine since that was just a bonus, but other than that I’m not a fan.

The only other help I’ll be able to give you in these cards is English unfortunately.
So you’re on your own when it comes to me.

Assuming you haven’t already fixed it these have the wincon before an ability.

@Vulgard please help
I was just experimenting. I know Triumphant Resolve probably isn’t good to add. Going to revert to whatever you think is best overruling everyone else since you’ve helped me so much and I’m grateful. Please let me know your thoughts for arbiter and anything else when you get back online again.
– Max

Back to old arbiter (minus anti-duke bonus)?

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Battle-Tested (Passive) - You are immune to every possible form of death except a lynch or a Duke execution, including all attacks that bypass immunity. You are also occupation and redirection immune even if you become the Champion or become elected as a Purified King.
Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host at the start of the game or when you are promoted to the arbiter which you would like for to investigators. This class can be any class in the game, even any prestige class. You are fully immune to all investigative abilities for the entire game (or entire rest of the game if you are the second arbiter) and will always appear as your desired class to investigators. You may choose one day ability from any class in the game besides the Duke, Warden, Sheriff, Agent, or any BD classes to add to your classcard, either at the start of the game for the first Arbiter or when you become the Arbiter for the second. Additionally, if you are the original Arbiter and die, if and ONLY IF the current Champion is the original champion or was promoted from a Socialite, they will become the new Arbiter. The only exception to this is a Socialite who will automatically become the new Arbiter before the Champion and the Magistrate who will do so if and only if they utilized a one-shot day ability and the Arbiter is lynched during the day. Otherwise, there will not be a second arbiter, and there can never be a third Arbiter.
Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current champion, if they are the original champion, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use
Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, Cannot Convert Night 1, then a two-day cooldown after the first conversion succeeds, then a one-day cooldown for every conversion attempt after that.
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may force them to target another, or force them to target themselves. If they target themselves, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Back to Old HoB, removed Arbiter Duke Immunity

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Battle-Tested (Passive) - You are immune to every possible form of death except a lynch or Duke execution, including all attacks that bypass immunity. You are also occupation and redirection immune even if you become the Champion or become elected as a Purified King.
Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host at the start of the game or when you are promoted to the arbiter which you would like for to investigators. This class can be any class in the game, even any prestige class. You are fully immune to all investigative abilities for the entire game (or entire rest of the game if you are the second arbiter) and will always appear as your desired class to investigators. You may choose one day ability from any class in the game besides the Duke, Warden, Sheriff, Agent, or any BD classes to add to your classcard, either at the start of the game for the first Arbiter or when you become the Arbiter for the second. Additionally, if you are the original Arbiter and die, if and ONLY IF the current Champion is the original champion or was promoted from a Socialite, they will become the new Arbiter. The only exception to this is a Socialite who will automatically become the new Arbiter before the Champion and the Magistrate who will do so if and only if they utilized a one-shot day ability and the Arbiter is lynched during the day. Otherwise, there will not be a second arbiter, and there can never be a third Arbiter.
Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current champion, if they are the original champion or were promoted from a Socialite, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use
Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, Cannot Convert Night 1, then a two-day cooldown after the first conversion succeeds, then a one-day cooldown for every conversion attempt after that.
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may force them to target another, or force them to target themselves. If they target themselves, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Champion :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
I am the Hand (Passive) - If you were a previous class before becoming the Champion, choose one limited use ability with 2 or more starting uses from any of your previous classes and gain it again as the Champion, with one fewer use than it began with in its original class. If you are the original Champion, did not have any limited use abilities with two or more uses in any of your previous classes, then this passive does not apply. If you choose to make use of this passive, then you must replace either one of your current day or night abilities depending on if the limited use ability you want to keep is a day or night ability.
Swift Swipe (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Corpse Swap (Day) - Choose a player. If you successfully kill them tonight, they will flip as a class of your choice with a logbook of your choosing or an empty logbook. (1 use)
Merciless Attack (Night) - Attack a player with the might of your blade - Infinite uses.
Supreme Strike (Night) - Attack two players in the same night. - 1 use. (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Agent

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Go Undercover (Day) - Activate a Sleeper Agent to pursue a player sneakily into the night. They will discover who a player visits and who visits them at the end of the night. - 2 uses.
Secret Service (Night) - Employ your secret service to keep tabs on three specific players tonight. If any of them target one another, you will learn exactly what ability(s) was/were used, from who within these three and onto who within these three - Infinite uses
Untraceable (Night) - Your efforts as an agent are so effective that no one can trace you or your team. Hide the entirety of the Hand of Byzantium from any and all investigative checks for the night. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Socialite

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
The Woman Behind the Hand (Passive) - You will appear as Unseen to faction checks and will be promoted straight to Arbiter if the Arbiter dies, regardless of when they die or if the Champion is still alive. This passive is not lost when you are promoted to a Champion, only when you become the Arbiter.
Guest List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, you will know how many players of each faction visited you. - 2 uses
VIP List (Day) - By the end of the next night you will know which players visited the Arbiter that night. - 3 uses
Social Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ class type groupings match. Groups are Special/Investigative, Social/Support, and Killer/Offensive. You will receive either no match if they are from different groups, a good match if they are in the same group, and a perfect match if they are the same class type. - Infinite uses
Faction Links (Night) - Removes the cool-down on the Arbiter’s Convert the next time they successfully convert a second or third player, or reduces the cooldown for converting a fourth player from two nights to one night. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Bard

Hand of Byzantium Support
Goldentongue (Passive) - The Bard will appear as Unseen for faction checks.
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing. - 3 uses
Crescendo (Night) - Select a Hand of Byzantium and for this night and they will be shown as Unseen for faction checks. - Infinite uses
Allegro (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then their night actions will be guaranteed to succeed this night. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Librarian :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If the Librarian is converted from a Duchess, however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Righteous Access (Passive) - Allows all Hand of Byzantium members to read the logs on the public log network. Can also use both day abilities during the same day and both night abilities on the same night.
Archive (Day) - Invites a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining and can choose to leave at anytime. Can only invite two players per day. - Infinite uses
Defender’s Notes (Day) - Allows the Hand of Byzantium to gain a log of all posts from any private shared chat that they are not a part of at the end of the night. - 3 uses
Revoke (Night) - Removes a player from the log network. - Infinite uses
Love at First Sight (Night) - Choose a player. You will receive a grouping of two classes at the end of the night. One of those classes will be that player’s exact class. If you were converted from The Archivist, you may only use this ability on players inside your log network. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Duelist

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Schuld (Passive) - If you become the King, then the Hand of Byzantium will gain an additional use of Supreme Strike.
Versetzen (Night) - Deflects any incoming attack against all members of the Hand of Byzantium and kills their attacker(s). - Three uses
Zornhau (Night) - Removes Royal Blood from a target for the remainder of the game. If this player receives even a single vote for a king election in the remainder of the game, you will attack them bypassing all forms of protection, healing, and death immunity the following night and can still use Versetzen in that future night. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Saint :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Intercession (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Faithful Decree (Day) - If target player is lynched today and is a member of the Unseen with a non-unique, non-Prestige class, you will remove them from dead chat. (1 use)
Act of Faith (Day) - Tonight, you will resurrect the player you removed from dead chat using Heretical Decree while simultaneously converting them and sacrifice yourself if you succeed. You may not use any night abilities tonight. If the ability succeeds, you will flip as The Blasphemer . You may not use this ability if you have already resurrected a player during the match. (1 use)
Mercy (Night) - Choose a dead Unseen -aligned player and force them to use their primary night action on a living one. Cannot be used on Killer classes.
Spiritual Redemption (Night) - Bind a dead player to you, allowing them to speak while dead for as long as you are alive, but removing them from dead chat. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Overseer

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Undeterred (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Overrule (Day) - Choose two players. If the first player uses a day ability today, they will be redirected to the second. (2 uses)
Red Tape (Day) - The King’s night action will fail tonight. (2 uses)
Order of Relocation (Night) - Redirect a player to another. You may redirect a player to yourself.
Order of Exchange (Night) - Redirect two players to each other. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Cabalist :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Ritual of the Hand (Passive) - You will always be seen as Unseen to faction checks.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If the Cabalist is converted from an Illusionist, however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Letter with no Sender (Day) - Sends an anonymous message to a player. - Infinite uses
Rewrite Reality (Day) - Cause your target to receive a completely antithetical result to any investigative ability used tonight in every way possible. - 3 uses.
Cryptic Communications (Night) - Sends an anonymous message to a player and they will be able to post a reply. - Infinite uses
Byzantium Connections (Night) - Prevents another Hand of Byzantium-aligned player from being voted tomorrow. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Crusader

Hand of Byzantum Killer
Providence (Day) - You will appear to investigators as a member of the Unseen tonight. (3 uses)
Heavenly Devotion (Day) - If a player is lynched today, you will be lynched instead and make that player’s first accuser start bleeding. They will die in two nights if not healed. (1 use)
Hand of God (Night) - Guard a player. If they are visited tonight, you will make all of their visitors start bleeding without preventing their actions. The bleeding players will die in two nights if not healed. (3 uses)
Deus Vult (Night) - Sacrifice your life to attack the King, bypassing all forms of healing and immunities. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Druid

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Wall of Thorns (Day) - For the following night prevents non-Hand of Byzantium classes from visiting you and will Bleed them. The Bleeding will kill them if they are not healed the next two nights. - One use
Glyph of Decay (Day) - Selects a player and all healing and removal of Bleeding on them will fail for the next two nights. - One use
Glyph of Lethargy (Night) - You will occupy a player for tonight. - Infinite uses
Glyph of Sloth (Night) - You will occupy two players for tonight. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Sentinel

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Passive) - Grants you immunity to occupation at night and to target changing.
Realign (Day) - Any day ability your target uses after this ability is activated today will be redirected to themselves. - 2 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Curfew (Night) - Puts a barrier around a member of the Hand of Byzantium, causing the next Unseen-aligned investigative role to automatically be prevented if they try to visit them. You will be informed when the barrier activates. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Magistrate :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as two for you.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If the Magistrate is converted from an Aristocrat, however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Judicial Decree (Day) - Reset all votes and choose a player. Only you or that player may be lynched today. (2 uses)
Bounty (Day) - If target player is lynched today and is a member of the Unseen, the day will continue and an additional lynch will be possible. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. (2 uses)
Disenfranchise (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn if they were investigated, occupied, and/or if their target was swapped. They will also secretly require one fewer vote to be lynched tomorrow.
Impeach (Night) - Only usable on Night 3 or later. Attack the King. If you are successful, you automatically become The Purified King. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Warrior

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Combat Ready (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, death at night, and will counterattack against attackers. This passive is lost once you are promoted to a Champion.
Bloodlust (Day) - All non-Killer roles will be prevented from visiting the Warrior this coming night. - One use
Taunt (Night) - Redirects the target player to yourself - Infinite uses
Raging Axes (Night) - Occupies a player for the night. If your target is successfully occupied and is also attacked the same night then they cannot be healed and their night immunity will be bypassed. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Squire

Hand of Byzantium Support
Cowardice (Passive) - Causes you to appear as a member of the Unseen to faction checks until you remember a class.
Pick up the Mantle (Night) - Allows you to select an Unseen-aligned class from the Graveyard. The Page in turn will become their Hand of Byzantium equivalent by the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Surgeon

Hand of Byzantium Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Anti-Coagulant (Day) - Causes a player to be unable to receive healing for the rest of the match. - One use
Surgery (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Miracle Touch (Night) - Permanently causes an Hand of Byzantium-aligned player to be seen as a member of the Unseen to faction checks. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Watchman

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Tracking (Day) - You will learn if your target left their room last night. - 2 uses
Silent Stalking (Night) - You will learn who your target visits along with who visits them this night. - Infinite uses
Midnight Vigil (Night) - Choose two players. You will learn who each of them visit along with who visits each of them tonight. You will only be seen visiting the first player. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Warden :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Brazen (Passive) - Immune to being occupied and redirected at night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If Warden is converted from the Duke, however, then this does not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Isolate (Day) - Isolate a player in your prison for the night, occupying them while bypassing occupation immunity and preventing all visits to targeted player. You and them may also exchange up to two 10000 character messages. - Infinite uses.
Divest and Removal (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target and they will bleed in the middle of the coming day. - One use
Purge (Night) - Execute your imprisoned player, bypassing night immunity. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

@Vulgard Does that look good?
Arbiter will not be duke immune as that’s a bit much

I feel like the Duke thing was fine since it’s extremely situational (you have to jail the Arbiter) and it can be bad for HoB in certain scenarios.
If anything I would slightly buff HoB so they have a unique strength. BD has raw power of abilities with CtA. HoB should be the misleaders, so maybe their converts should get more abilities, I’m not sure. I honestly think things were fine the way there were. (Also Knight/Crusader changes; have you considered them?)

No one is going to want to play a game where they can be punished for being correct.

I’m a reviewer, Vulgard is not and this setup cannot be hosted without being reviewed.

okay okay, arbiter will not be duke immune, that’s the end of it
It is okay for duke to be convertible though, right?

Yeah convertible is fine, makes Duke less confirmable

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That’s the way i choose to discourage massclaiming; everyone is convertible

@Luxy Some neutral kings have their own unique day ability, meaning they have three with Sword of Damocles and Royal Pardon.

Does this mean that I have to combine Sword of Damocles and Royal Pardon into one ability? I’d prefer every king to have both so that being a certain kind of king is never mechanically AI during the day.

Honestly, as long as multiple classes have it, more than 2 day abilities isn’t wrong per se

I just thought you wanted to maintain FoL standard.

Kings must have their alignment unconfirmable though, so if you have to, 3 day abils is fine

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Thank you
Many BD classes have 3 night abilities anyway if you include their call to arms ability

This is heavily based on Return of the BD. Pug took a lot of liberties there compared to the standard FoL haha. Plus this will have 20 instead of 16 players

Can you help with this? I’m not sure what this could mean besides the Triumphant Resolve abilities I created and then removed again at your directive in my most recent revision.

Pug is Pug