SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

or maybe just the first one is DI? Idk

The Librarian :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If the Librarian is converted from a Duchess, however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Righteous Access (Passive) - All Hand of Byzantium members can read the logs in the public log network. You may use both day abilities during the same day and both night abilities on the same night.
Archive (Day) - Invite a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining and can choose to leave at any time. You can only invite two players per day.
Defender’s Notes (Day) - At the end of the night, you will obtain a copy of all messages in private shared chats you do not have access to. (3 uses)
Revoke (Night) - Remove a player from your log network.
Dalliance (Night) - Choose a player. You will receive a grouping of two classes at the end of the night. One of those classes will be that player’s exact class. If you were converted from The Archivist, you may only use this ability on players inside your log network.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Ended up just renaming a couple of things and changing wording because I think the class is fine.

The Cabalist :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Ritual of the Hand (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Unseen. Whenever you receive a private message, anonymous or not, you will be informed if it contains a lie.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If the Cabalist is converted from an Illusionist, however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Letter with no Sender (Day) - Send an anonymous message to a player.
Rewrite Reality (Day) - Cause a player to receive a completely antithetical result for any investigative ability they use tonight in every way possible. (3 uses)
Cryptic Communications (Night) - Send an anonymous message to a player. They may respond once.
Byzantine Connections (Night) - Prevent another Hand of Byzantium member from being voted tomorrow. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Same here, more or less.

This part confuses me. Warden can’t spawn on its own, right?

Forgot, duke has no prestige. That passive is removed

Fun fact; this previously appeared in the OP as ‘you will appear to investigators as a member of the HoB’. I changed it.

The Warden :shield: :crossed_swords:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Brazen (Passive) - Immune to being occupied and redirected at night.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Isolate (Day) - Isolate a player in your prison for the night, occupying them while bypassing occupation immunity and preventing all visits to targeted player. You and them may also exchange up to two 10000 character messages. - Infinite uses.
Divest and Removal (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target and they will bleed in the middle of the coming day. - One use
Purge (Night) - Execute your imprisoned player, bypassing night immunity. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

warden probably could be buffed in some way

have a conclusive idea on this??

Arbiter is a godfather
Agent has tailoring
Socialite is a godfather
Bard is a godfather
Cabalist is a godfather
Crusader has self-tailoring
Squire is a godfather

I think this is fine; most of these classes are pretty rare (Arbiter is faction leader so it makes sense, Agent is a converted Marshal, Cabalist is fairly rare). The tailoring is actually not that bad come to think of it. Only Agent can tailor others and that’s a converted Marshal so I suppose it’s fine. There’s just plenty of godfathers, like 1/3 of HoB classes.

The Warden :shield: :crossed_swords:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Brazen (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Isolate (Day) - You will isolate a player in your prison tonight, occupying them while bypassing occupation immunity and preventing all other visits to them. You and them may also exchange up to two 10000 character messages during the night.
Divest and Removal (Night) - Secretly remove all uses from the imprisoned player’s limited abilities. When they attempt to use an ability with no uses, they will be informed that it failed, but not why. (2 uses)
Purge (Night) - Execute the player you imprisoned, bypassing night immunity. (2 uses)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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What does a godfather and tailoring and self-tailoring mean again?

Godfather - shows as the good faction to faction checks
Tailoring - making a player appear as a member of the good faction to investigators
Self-tailoring - as above, but you can only target yourself

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The problem I have with this is that it only affects the Marshal and the Handmaiden (who is still not updated reeee). I’m thinking maybe Marshal should be able to bypass tailoring/godfathers except Visionary/Arbiter. I even have an idea for it.

The Marshal :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Investigative
Tireless (Passive) - If you do not perform an action at night, you will learn if any of your previous uses of Expert Investigation and Case Closed showed incorrect results and which ones were incorrect. Does not trigger if you investigated the Visionary or Arbiter.
Scout (Day) - Your scout will inform you whether a particular player has been visited by a a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player that visited your target if so. This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter.
Peerless Confidant (Day) - Employ your most trusted confidant to keep watch on two players at once tonight. This confidant will tell you if either or both player is visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player(s) that visited your target(s) if so. This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter. (1 use)
Expert Investigation (Night) - If a player is a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their faction. This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter.
Case Closed (Night) - Very carefully examine two players at once tonight. If either or both of them is/are a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their exact class(es). This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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This way tailoring/godfather effects still have a purpose, but don’t render the Marshal completely useless in some situations.

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What if Tireless applied to Case Closed as well?

Sure. Editing.

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And yup, Visionary shouldn’t be night immune, I think.

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The Visionary :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Undercover Rebel (Passive) (Starting Visionary Only) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host at the start of the game which you would like for to investigators. You are fully immune to all investigative abilities for the entire game and will always appear as your desired class to investigators.
Path of Leadership (Passive) - If you are the original or second Visionary and die, the youngest non killing Blue Dragon member will become the new Visionary. If there is no non Killing Blue Dragons, it will instead be the Youngest Blue Dragon Killer. There can always be a second and third visionary unless the current visionary dies as the last member of the Blue Dragon. A fourth visionary will never happen, however.
Avenge (Day) - You will turn into the Heroine when you use this ability. Target Blue Dragon player will become the new Visionary. - 1 use (shared) - Cannot use when any Blue Dragon Killers are living.
Call to Arms! (Day) - Call the Blue Dragon to arms, empowering them tonight. The Blue Dragon will receive a message when this is activated. The individual effects can be found on each class card. - Infinite Uses, 2 day cooldown.
Persuade (Night) - Persuade someone to join the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses, Cannot Convert Night 1, then a two-day cooldown after the first conversion succeeds, then a one-day cooldown for every conversion attempt after that.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

look good? @Vulgard

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Do the BD convert classes look okay?

also lmk when you plan to do the rest of the HoB classes