SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

Never encountered him so i guess he is himself yes

I created more abilities for HoB when I tried triumphant resolve. What else could that mean?

What if they just all had their triumphant resolve abilities in addition and it wasn’t a cooldown thing like CtA?

Could that work? @Vulgard

I’m thinking about reworking the HoB converts to make them more flexible/powerful in general.

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I’ll give you a list and if you like it, you can add it.

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Pls look at the Triumphant Resolve abilities I created when considering buffs, some of them might be good IDK

per here

I probably will. The factions need to be balanced somehow and in the current state, BD are ridiculously more powerful than HoB

you probably have better ideas on it than me haha

The Agent :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Eyes of the Hand (Passive) - At the end of each night, you learn which members of the Hand of Byzantium were visited by members of the Unseen and how many visits occurred per member.
Go Undercover (Day) - Activate a Sleeper Agent to pursue a player sneakily into the night. They will discover who a player visits and who visits them at the end of the night. (4 uses)
Secret Service (Night) - Employ your secret service to keep tabs on three specific players tonight. If any of them target one another, you will learn exactly what ability(s) was/were used, from who within these three and onto who within these three.
Untraceable (Night) - Your efforts as an agent are so effective that no one can trace you or your team. Hide the entirety of the Hand of Byzantium from any and all investigative checks for the night. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

My new version of Agent; I figured it should probably be more powerful considering it converts from a guaranteed Unseen.

Faction Links (Night) - Removes the cool-down on the Arbiter’s Convert the next time they successfully convert a second or third player, or reduces the cooldown for converting a fourth player from two nights to one night. - One use

Socialite has this. I wonder how it’s supposed to work with the conversion rules? I think it should be written differently.

Faction Links (Night) - Instantly reduce the cooldown of the Arbiter’s conversion by one night. (1 use)

Does this work?

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how many uses for secret service?

When I write classcards i don’t put ‘infinite uses’ because I’m under the impression that if there is no stated amount of uses, then it’s infinite and self-explanatory.

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did not know that, ty

What do cross swords mean again? I know shield means unique

can you also help with your idea in buffing the rest of the HoB converts as im not quite sure what you mean

What if HoB could convert night 1 (unlike BD) and/or didn’t have a 2-night cooldown (only 1 as usual) after the first conversion? Would that do anything? @Vulgard

By the way, I really think you should implement my Blasphemer/Soulcatcher/Saint/Priest reworks.

I am. I’m implementing all of those reworks. If Saint didn’t appear as the updated version in my most recent post, that was a mistake. It should have, though.

I feel like I put a mild Overseer change in this thread before and it’s not in the OP.