SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

well to be fair the only person she really could kill tonight is geyde

everybody else is death immune or being healed by arete

which would give NK good odds to win but i think shes under the impression that vulgard isn’t converted and that ami is jailed rn

well, i think she’s more HOPING vulgard isnt converted because that’d be her only chance of winning

So what is vul doing?

hasn’t submitted a kill yet

Did Arete use their day ability?

to heal their vamps? yeah

Awesome so it worked!

Well not sure if my speech influenced it but I was trying to subtly encourage them to use that ability

Anyways I’ll be joining scum chat in a little bit so get ready :slight_smile:

i think arete is smart enough to use it either way

it’s very pro wincon :wink:

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Yeah probably

Yeah I think we just win here then

unless EVO kills Vulgard tonight, probably

Chloe can’t hit Vulgard but would hit Ami if Chloe isn’t felling into deception

well ami is super duper death immune

Arete is healing them using blood frenzy apparently

oh ignore me then lol

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So like demon can bypass DI and prevent visits by buffing their night kill but can’t bypass healing no?

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but demon cant bypass amis DI anyway

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correct yes
that’s how EVO failed to kill anyone N1