SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

rejoin the discord, should still be in scum chat

and demon has no way to bypass healing, otherwise arete would have died n1

Obvious I think that is likely going to happen, but Ami would actually convert Chloe and bite Chloe at same time.

atm convert is set to geyde

Not smart, but what are you gonna do :man_shrugging:

If Ami listened to Vulgard that Arete is going to bite Chloe then Ami would understand it.

yeah i think technically duelist can forcibly kill EVO at night which would be a lot funnier than just forcibly hammering him

Isn’t that convert for Baronet


chloes the third baronet if you missed her “im not actually a fanatic” post

I was alive enough not to miss it

as long as HoB get a third convert this game is basically unlosable though

You know, it could have been much worse if I told Vulgard that Evo being Demon would make sense to bleed the king/nightwatch than Poacher, lucky for me Vulgard did not pay attention I barely mentioned EVO

Outing the NK and gets lynched, when I know Vulgard betrayed me, is worst case scenario for me as Unseen to go through so I kept it silent about EVO during Day 3

Couldn’t Amelia prevent conversions?

rn she’s giving chloe death immunity

Boo…bad king

So what about Chloe

no actioning


As in /no actioning.
