SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

The link is fine, it’s just cluttering the OP

Things you find in class cards.

I want flavor story of my demise yo

i will never know the details of my death

flavor is all N

you got coldsteeled by the NK and champion :^)

Graveyard is sure quiet place this time of day

go sleep.

im eagerly waiting to see what arete and EVO do

theres a chance this is a NK win :eyes:

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NK win might be the most likely option left IMO

if evo attacks geyde then its final 5 with NK, neutral, 2 HoB, and chloe

i dont think vulgard will attack tonight because reasons (but they actually really cant attack if they wanted to)

if evo attacks chloe and arete bites chloe it’ll be final 4 with 3 HoB and NK

which would be tragic

I already have the possible endgame thread titles prepared:

[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous 2 — Return of the Fallen — FINALE – Day X (X/16): Imperceptible Triumph — The Unseen and X Neuts win!

[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous 2 — Return of the Fallen — FINALE – Day X (X/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium and X Neuts win!

[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous 2 — Return of the Fallen — FINALE – Day X (X/16): Infernal Ascension — The Demon and X Neuts win!

im 99% sure mathematically an unseen win is impossible

yeah sure i just wanted to make the possible title tho

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Shoot… Possessed having no logs kinda threw us off

Aww I got kicked out of HoB chat… was hoping I would be put on read-only… can I be put on read only? @katze @N.1

i remember there was a reason i was told to not just put you on read only but i don’t remember what it was

I didn’t realize read only was a thing that existed when i made the ruling that dead groupscum were to be banished from the server. There never really was a good reason.

feel free to come back and @katze pls take care of muting him there

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Arete can heal Vulgard though with their day ability right?