SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

yes, please do

Oh right Vulgard, I forgot.


If you want a hint as to what that signal meant, Arete was signalling to Darth that they were Aristocrat, and signalled to me that they were Stirgoi (though I misinterpreted it as Resurrectionist)

Now use your detective skills :wink:

That’s semi untrue. Arete was signaling to darth that they thought Italy was Duke. What I didn’t figure out is what they were doing with the other post for you and Ami. If Ami hadn’t used the Senex ability I might have figured out that Arete was claiming neutral, but in my mind it was still BD game and it couldn’t be possible.

Basically I had the tools, I just didn’t know what to do with them lmao. I should have just shown everyone the posts and let other people be smarter than me.

Did they say that??

Their signal to Darth was perfect for softing Aristocrat though…

Yeah I can show you the post if you didnt find it

yeah can you?

It was Arete saying “I think i picked up on a soft there” to Italy

gotchu one sec


I’m talking about the “add” thingy


Well this is what they sent darth to

Where they thought Italy was softing Duke

yeah when Darth was like ‘can I get in on this signalling’ I was like ‘uhhhhh’ and then pointed her to my Italy post

I was trying to send Ami and Nappy both to the same post, one of the ones where I joked about being a fakeclaiming neut

funnily enough it was also in response to vul lmao

Yeah the fact that you signalled to both of us in particular seemed a bit interesting in the first place

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I was about to try and lynch you until you said that (yeah I still shaded you and called for a Jail Exe, but keep in mind that Vulgard never planned to jail exe you)

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I’ll never forgive myself for just… setting those posts aside. I truly just shoulda quoted them and be like “hey people, i think arete didnt bounty n1”

I was like “OwO what’s this,” but said nothing in the thread.

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