SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

Hint 9:

Three Baronets Rolled this game, and none of them were ever converted!


i expected them to kill eachother

none of them killed eachother

im assuming hell no

because i basically mega softed to ami that i was “covering” for her



he also gives HoB +1 KP for two nights lol

i was a bit in awe when i saw this message


fun fact

derps defended vulgard n1

ami also redirected derps to vulgard n1

if evo chose to kill scum tonight, he might have had a decent chance

but he’s not doing so which is why i’ve chosen to spoil the game here

and that’s why i died

they must have thought i was marshal

why else go to all that trouble

tabor invested you n1 and king used their SF on you

also amelia is def v lul

i mean to be fair his target can change but if it doesn’t the arbiter finds out who he is and the game basically just ends lmao

u mean permenant scheme

swear fealty is a different ability here that the Righteous King has.


:sob: i felt so bad for frost

reeee im talking in FoL terms

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oh yes

frost was going to kill napoleon night 2, but amelia saved his life with a pretorian guard


Also, an extremely hilarious interaction occurred N1 that led the NK’s buffed action to do absolutely nothing

I’ll let @katze explain this one.

and yes, amelia is a Corrupted King.

so the demon used their haemophilia attack on arete, who was being healed by italy

arete bit italy, occupying him, and healing themselves

so if arete was any other class italy dies n1 (unless they just occ italy n1)

and if arete didnt have any form of self healing on n1 they also die n1

but the stars aligned and both lived to tell the tale

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EVO is attacking italy tonight instead of napoleon though, because he really has no way of knowing for sure which healer is real

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