SFoL 58: Last Stand of the Righteous -- Discussion and Balance Thread

Pre-EFOL means when feedback wasn’t limited

I am going to give Purified king the ability to trial and say that Sword of Damocles is only usable if the king chooses not to trial that day.

should I make it post EFoL? I’m not very familiar. Up to you

Does that fix it?

All FoL games should be limited feedback otherwise scum lose almost every time


Ok then that ability will be post EFoL
(will receive copy of same feedback provided to said player by the host in the present limited feedback environment)

The Marshal :shield:

Unseen Investigative
Scout (Day) - Your scout will inform you whether a particular player has been visited by a traitor to the unseen at the end of the night (Detects scum faction visits only, not any neutrals), and the faction of the player that visited your target if so. This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter. - Infinite Uses
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn whether or not a player is a traitor to the unseen and their faction if so (Affects scum faction only, not any neutrals). This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter. - Infinite Uses
Cynical Surveilance - If a player is a traitor to the unseen, learn their exact class (Affects scum faction only, not any neutrals). This ability can never detect the Visionary or the Arbiter. - 3 Uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantum and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

So you’re saying some Kings will have the ability to GT and other Kings will have Sword of Damocles?
I’m not sure I understand and if it makes any sense. King’s alignment shouldn’t be determined by his abilities.

You could give them both but that removes flexibility to a certain degree, I think. Maybe you should just decide on one of the two.

All Kings will have GT (except neutral kings where neither are given)
Only purified king will have Sword of Damocles
If any unseen classes have Sword of Damocles, I will remove that from them but keep SoD in the HoB classes.

does that work?

if not i’ll just completely remove your choice from GT and Sword of Damocles, and give the other to all three of Corrupted, Righteous, and Purified Kings.

But then using Sword of Damocles immediately outs the King as non-Unseen. As of right now, all Kings that have Sword of Damocles are non-Unseen.

They are either neut or HoB, but not BD, funnily enough.

Ok, then would you prefer if all three kings had only one of the two, would you say it’d be better to give them all Grand Trial or Sword of Damocles?

that’s because it’s an ability from HoB

I think Sword of Damocles is more fun and games without trials are better, but that’s my personal opinion.
Theoretically you could give all Kings GT and SoD, + a third day ability maybe to make them more unique. If there is any class that should be allowed to have more than two abilities per phase, it should probably be King.

Yeah i never was much of a fan of trials

Going to make the corrupted king more like its HoB version than RotBD

I like how you went out of your way to specify this :rofl: :heart:

Using this ability outs the King as Neutral. Only Neutral Kings have this ability.