SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

or you could just ask for my advice as a starting point, but evaluate the player on your own

or you could just not listen to simon

donā€™t let his evil bad lies infect you

Besides I donā€™t think ami will process squidā€™s actions given she kind of died

New Rule: Donā€™t interact with dead scum.

simple enough


Isnā€™t that always the case? Except it applies to everyone if theyā€™re scum or not scum.

do you not realize how easy it is to not taint your stances, but still interact with scum?

Itā€™s also weird given that anyone can claim they got false flipped

but seriously are we actually going to do anything

when you know theyā€™re scum, that is

Anyone hear something? Must be the wind

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Lynching alice isā€¦ Iā€™ve got nothing better tbh

I think she legit forgot she was in this lmao


I also left that chat

like you dont have to give anything i say any weight, while still hearing me out.
you can just listen, and then weigh the idea on your own. just dont either base what your doing on what i say (whether thats not doing what i say or doing what i say)

Also arete you donā€™t exist how can we take your word as truth :wink:

if i was trying to manipulate you or your answers i would have claimed my flip was fake to cause some chaos, so people would act more predictably. i didnt do that

who are you talking to, comrade
creating imaginary friends is unhealthy for your mental state

Scumslip as communist :eyes:

aka I want to do legit anything