SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

lol i got a classcard

plot twist; this was all just a plot to get everyone to embarrass themselves and for ami to score theirself a game for free

Is just rapping the lyrics fine with you?

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DECREE IDK) This song is now the OFFICIAL theme song of this game.


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Nah he let me pick any FoL class I wanted


i hereby summon the warhammer of zillyhoo


i have had enough of this charade

no homostuck

the canon name is homosuck, actually


who do you wish to use the warhammer of zillyhoo on?

i wish to use it upon simon

How do you do the chart thingy


didst thou thinketh me a liabringe


it is done.

I want a weapon too

hrm. art thou a trueknight, datbird?

Why not? I can be a true knight if the king needs be. I helped get you elected

@Italy datbird has fallen into a certain snareblight i set for him. notice the improper use of the noble title trueknight, revealing datbird’s true role: knight.