SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

I don’t get what ur talking about. I got no job. I was just accepting any job the king wanted to give me

then tell me, knight. what weapon dost thou desire


Idc whatever ya got. I want to do anything


Especially poker


I have the nukes

But we ain’t ever going to night so its useless

what if i blow up the sun hmmm?

Then we would all die

All communists would die therefore i win

Nah communists would be the last remaining as they can survive the cold of space the longest

tell me @braixen what is your professional opinion of soviet opera?

I hate all soviets

do you even know what a soviet is

A person belonging to the Soviet Union



What is this?

incorrect. soviet refers to a council of workers and soldiers established following the Huge Mess Of 1905, most active during the first world war. unlike the czargraced duma, the soviets were free of tsarist influence, and following the abdication (gross, barbarous) a system of dual power was set up. the elected bodies of the soviets shared power with the duma. the soviets were generally more popular, however, as they had more frequent elections, and events throughout 1917 allowed the bolsheviks to sieze majorites in the soviets. this provided the justification for lenin’s coup.
