SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

very well, providing they recognise my right to destroy them in an honourable duel to the death

i cannot wait for you all to see what hellish torture i have for y’all

and i will free the innocents from your tyrannical rule, to replace it with an infinitely cooler tyrannical rule, featuring roles based on standard deviation calculations and incessant references to musicals i’ve been listening too recently


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How many of us will actually truly be innocent though?

When we getting rolecards

when crich confirms he truly wants to join this game


we all know you’d just put your sleep paralysis demon into the player list again

Who’s to say Ami won’t add the manticore anyway :eyes:

you said its name
/blood command amelia
you fool

Arcana Force 0: The Fool

(yes i know all the YGO stuff; i’ve been following the pro meta for years even though i suck)

/Imperial Ballista Italy

I added the headhunter to BotF IV for you

Y E S its time

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i’m gonna scum read everyone

blood command disables all your abilities for 32 hours

Yeah but who says I have to follow that rule

technically the manticore can’t say anything but i wouldn’t take any risks
having ■■■■ed blood is dangerous for your health

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There was one time i was an idiot in a 5e WM game
and tried to sell congealed blood to some vampires
b/c i had no idea what the word “congealed” meant