SFoL 60 - Signups (18/18) - FULL


katze you better forceroll me neut or else!

but theyā€™re playing :eyes:

otherwise that was definitely the plan


also, one more thing:
/Please Ping Me If/When A Replacement Is Needed


Fun Fact: I never rolled Scum or Neutral on this Site, Only Town.


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Classcards will be sent by 2020-04-24T05:00:00Z

When we start sending classcards, the thread will be locked. Mechanical questions are to be asked in your classcard, and any further backups or spectators should PM Chloe or myself either on the forums or on discord. (Chloe#4965)

If necessary, any important announcements or tweaks will still be announced in this thread, even after it is locked.



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Additionally, weā€™ve decided that spectator chat will be uninformed.

and we definitely meant to announce that sooner


please donā€™t let any spectators ever switch to backup
that sort of created a debacle in SFoL 58 as you should remember

we werenā€™t planning on letting this happen

mostly because of that :eyes:

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Wait what happened there?

I forgot
But I remember that the debacle was kind of justified
so specs shouldnā€™t be able to switch to backup ever again

we had a spectator back up for the game

spectator chat was nearly empty but people werenā€™t super happy with it


Having one+ other person give you their reads definitely shapes how you would play the game if you replaced in


well in this case spectator chat was literally just him talking with a few non-game related messages from someone else, which is why at the time i didnā€™t see a problem in it

it effected nothing but it is still not a good example

or alternatively:

Arete in spec chat, to Anstreim: ā€˜yeah Chloe is definitely scumā€™

Arete: replaces in

Arete: ā€˜Chloe is l o c k t o w nā€™

Ans: replaces in

Ans: ā€˜Arete/Chloe is W/W based on Areteā€™s progression from spec chatā€™


insert joke about ans always agreeing with you



if im not too late