SFoL 60 - Signups (18/18) - FULL

There are a couple abilities that only Unseen are able to get from gambling, and these two are both in that list.

Although that list only existed due to Mastermind having Gamble prior to FoL changing Mastermind to allow it to inherit the day and night ability of a class of its choice. they copied us :wink:

Although in this theoretical case, the Fools wincondition would make outting scum practically gamethrowing anyway :eyes:

As stated in the OP (around where Altar Time is discussed):

In this case, the Timesnatcher would get Time Snatch and not Dark Dimension, as Altar Time would be in the Chronomancers first (and only) slot.

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Thank you

What about Rewind? is that possible to get?

Thank you

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we definitely didn’t forget to add this to the OP, don’t mind us

But yes, any convert with Alter Time will also get Rewind.

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oh so everything is obtainable
that’s why there the exceptions
thank you

Thank you for bringing all of these up!

This setup was bound to have some bumps and kinks. Nice to get a fresh pair of eyes to spot out the mistakes.


Heres another thing that’s more obscure by far than anything above

so a scorned has to be able to visit, even after gambling.

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I was hoping to play this. Then again being a backup is an option.

/backup but only sub me in in a scum slot ty v much

I don’t think that can be guaranteed Hippo. It depends on who subs out of the game.

Filled up fast and despite logic id like to say it was because of lorebot

its never because of lorebot lol

If you elect to be a spectator, once the game starts you won’t be allowed to backup

But between now and the game starting you’re free to change your mind

Thanks katze.


ill make sure you only sub into BD :wink:

For this game, be careful due to there being a number of changes that have come out in recent on the feedback thread that may or may not be adapted to the class card thread by the time this game is randed

Alternatively I didn’t look at the op

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None of the changes that were implemented after 04/21 will be in this game.

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Geyderade is very good at reading

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I was sleeping and this was filled in record time. Feels bad man.