SFoL 60 - Signups (18/18) - FULL

People were dumb massclaiming in SFoL 56
It made all of my attacks unstoppable

Power level increases the less shitty designs are on my class
All I need is the f4

this is part of why the abilities were merged

Luckily now the lying darkness is in grande idea :^)

I don’t see it as a Mind Flayer issue though, I see it as a player issue.
You know for a fact that a Mind Flayer can roll and murder you, yet you still claim? Your own fault.

Tavernkeeper with their secondary night ability only

(sfol 56 was grande idea 2.0)

Good thing Wench has 2 shots of it in Virtuous Triple Threat :^)

I didn’t read that game yet, I think.
In that case well deserved, because clearly the gods have decided to punish massclaiming by randing the glorious Mind Flayer.

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Sorcerer is rolled with occupy and redirect immunity. Fun times.

don’t read it, it wasn’t a good game

but it had some good memes so

OP buff
Game will overcentralize around that one ability


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I also only won the game because lolKingmakerNeuts
Luxy as neut was the decisive vote for me
he only voted in my favour since he created the class
i was trying to beg for Arete (other kingmaker neut)'s vote for the longest time
towards the end they were going to probably side with Cult
But then Luxy swooped in and let me hammer

Inb4 Tavernkeeper rolls as starting BD

Call to Arms ability is Divest and Removal combined with Arcane Empowered Serve Ale :^)

Duke execution is weak
It only works if you preplanned it and even then you can’t use it to confirm nobles when you yeet the champion

Wrong thread

See, clear bias. Poor Cult – I might need to actually read that game.


Meant as a reply to the shit
Definitely this thread content

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Also there were some ridiculous post restrictions that game