SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Katze needs to get TBE or Gorta. Who is Napoleon guarding? Himself?

Nappy hasnā€™t selected a target

Except he risks losing by not attempting to kill anyone and hopes to get to 5 players, then Katze gets lynched,

itā€™s a much likelier chance to lose if they try to attack then not try to attack

arete is making the optimal play

I still donā€™t understand why Katze doesnā€™t attack the healer though? Thatā€™s the obvious night action no?

yes, they are just worried that gorta is converted

I suppose itā€™s possible Napoleon guards Gorta here. Then again i think he will probably guard himself.

Still you kill the healers 1st. Isnā€™t this obvious though?

if gorta is converted itā€™s not the right play

you keep saying everything is ā€œobviousā€ but you are also informed and a lot of these things arenā€™t as easy when you donā€™t know every class

Seth should probably be on Arete tonight. He must be thinking that Arete is the convert by now.

Seth and Gorta both go on Arete. Arete gets attacked. Does gorta get a delayed death then?

Even if it werenā€™t informed, killing the healer claims before going for the king is always a good move no?
Wait in that case Katze should be trying to kill TBE. If this wasnā€™t informed, Iā€™d be thinking Napoleon guards himself and Gorta heals someone other than TBE which is Arete.

I couldnā€™t disagree more even if I tried. Arete needs to realise that town needs to be killed.

But itā€™s still risking having katze just outright win

Which is a risk he has to be willing to take.

no itā€™s not

thatā€™s just wrong

Not attempting to kill anyone as a killer class is simply never an optimal play. No sorry not happening.

thatā€™s one of the dumbest statements iā€™ve heard in a while

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I mean
If killing someone causes you to outright lose in a lot of scenarios
Whereas not killing guarantees you still have a path to victory


Why? Whatā€™s the point of being a killer then?